Essays on Emotional Intelligence

Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In The Profession Of An Early Childhood Educator

Only thirty-six percent of people are able to “accurately identify their emotions as they happen (Bradberry and Greaves 13).” Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions, and being able to manage said emotions under pressure. Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a measure of human intelligence, often described as one’s ability...
2092 Words 5 Pages

Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In 21st Century

What Is Emotional Intelligence For the vast majority, enthusiastic insight (EQ) is a higher priority than one’s knowledge (IQ) in achieving achievement in their lives and professions. Emotional intelligence is a very essential element in one’s life. Emotional intelligence skills are required for better understanding and interact with people in society. ‘Your EQ is the...
1402 Words 3 Pages

Emotional Intelligence At Workplace To Maintain A Balance Between Professional And Personal Life

Emotional Intelligence at Workplace While the qualities traditionally associated with leadership like intelligence, determination, and vision- are required for success but they are insufficient. Truly effective leaders are also distinguished by high degree of emotional intelligence – Daniel Goleman In the backdrop of this statement, critically discuss the relevance of emotional intelligence at workplace. (20...
2028 Words 4 Pages
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