Employment Law: The Best Way To Ensure The Rights Of Workers

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Protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws

Their worth and requirements in the modern work era

Employment is more than necessary and much of a part of life for everyone. Not something but everything depends on this for a common man. The type of employment defines what a person is and how is his social life going to be. How he stands as a person in front of his family and society. But what if the person is morally downgraded at his workplace? What happens if he is mistreated on social grounds? Or what if he/she is not given the job in the first place because of non-acceptable reasons? Here’s when the equal employment opportunity laws come into play, they protect the fundamental rights of a person as an employee. Let us find out how this works:

Under the Employment Equality Act, 9 protected characteristics are provided to any individual working in any field. If a person is being sidelined because of any one of these 9 reasons, he/she has all the right to sue the firm. These are namely:

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  • age
  • disability in any form
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

Often it is seen that people are facing issues regarding any one of these characteristics that one possesses. That is something that the court prevents from happening, by giving people the liberty to live and work just the way they are, so that they’re in a state of mental peace and thus are devoted more towards work. Favoring is reduced to a whole new level. The rate is slow but significant.

The necessity in today’s employment settings:

• Employment laws preventing discrimination

These laws were put into action to stop the bosses or the fellow employees from discriminating against the co-workers.

• Employment laws and minimum wage

Previously, there was no such law to ensure that the workers got a fair amount for their work, it was entirely in the contractors’ hands. After these acts were regulated, workers got the best amount according to the worked they did.

• Workplace safety and health employment laws

These laws are applicable in areas of high risks like coal mines, powerplants etc. areas that have unsafe working conditions, heavy & hot machinery, noise and other hazard levels.

• Workers’ compensation employment laws

Employers of a fixed number of workers should cover the expenses (Medical) of the workers’ injuries. It should also provide him/her with a partial salary during his time of recovery.

• Employment laws about child labor

These laws prevent employers from hiring minors as workers. This was a revolutionary step that preserved the future of millions of children who were forced to work.


The best way to ensure these rights to the workers is to provide them with a signed copy of the rules by the company which ensures that the company is abiding by the written policy. A person working for a firm or a labor working for construction should be confident in all situations, even where he/she falls under the minority community, this helps them realize their individual worth and they are comfortably adjusted to the workplace.

If an organization ensures fair treatment for all, it increases the chances of having a diverse workforce, which has many positive implications for teams, departments, and overall organizational productivity and creativity and thus will take the firm to new heights.


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