Essays on Endangered Species

Importance Of Species Definitions In Conservation: Taxonomy

Abstract Taxonomy is complex and has many different criteria for distinguishing between species. The different definitions of a species can create problems in research, as a clearly defined group is important in experiments and field studies. Additionally, distinguishing between species is important for the conservation of threatened organisms, as accurate population counts can only be...
2508 Words 6 Pages

De-extinction: Revivalism Of Extinct Species

To comprehend how the revivalism of species concerns us in today’s day and age, it is key to get our head around the concept of extinction before all else. Extinction of a species is a term adapted to convey the idea of when the last living organism of a particular species perishes forever. On the...
833 Words 2 Pages

Basis Of Animal Ethics, Focusing On The Idea Of Speciesism

Question: ‘With reference to at least one case study, critically discuss an environmental ethic of your choice’. Answer: James argues that to study environmental issues we first need to address the philosophy behind them (James 2005, p. 9). Therefore, this essay will open by looking at speciesism throughout history and consequently the arguments of both...

How Are Artists Helping Endangered Species

This research study will refer to how specific artists like Gary Hodges, Harriet Mead and Martin Aveling have done to help and benefit the endangered species. Any awards in which they have been awarded for the aid of the animals and how they’ve been inspired by past and present influences to become what they are...
3179 Words 7 Pages

Endangered Species In Canada

Canada covers the major part of North America and is home to plenty of flora and fauna species. Canada is the habitat of around 70,000 of species. Jeff Wells, the Boreal Songbird Initiative’s science policy director, says Canada hosts biological phenomena rarely seen elsewhere on the planet. It was estimated that there are about one...
1228 Words 3 Pages

Amazon Rainforest: Overview Of Endemic Species

Glass Frog The Glass Frog is also known as the “see-through frog”. Their skin is translucent like glass, which is where they get their name from. Their skin is so clear that you can see their heart and organs. Glass Frogs like tropical and warm climates. There isn’t only one type of Glass Frog, there...

Assessing Effects Of Human Development Activities On Conservation Of Roan Antelopes Of Ruma National Park

Abstract This study is to be undertaken in Ruma national park, a highly productive but less recognized protected area located to the western side of Kenya. The park is about 120km2 in area situated in the floor of Lambwe valley between Gwasi and Kanyamwa escarpments. This place is the home of locally endangered roan antelopes...

Endangered Species Around The World And Throughout The Seychelles

Introduction The following review of the literature confirms that global biodiversity is a thread by human actives. Read to get the basic knowledge related to endangered species globally and within the Seychelles where they are increasingly being hunted by mankind. It is best to know what type of animal that is most endangered and know...
1476 Words 3 Pages
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