Essays on English Literature

Fantasy Genre: Imaginative Dreamworld Lifestyle In Films, Stories And Television Show

Everybody likes to escape from the real world. Some find it difficult while others live in their imagination. This imaginative dreamworld lifestyle is best escaped to within the fantasy genre. Another description of fantasy, is any work that contains magic or unrealistic settings, normally set in an alternate universe, or involving mythical creatures and supernatural...

The Story of J.K. Rowling's Way of Life

Creator of the most famous and best-loved character in contemporary fiction, J.K Rowling is also the author of her escape from a depressing existence on the verge of destitution. On the one hand, there is J.K Rowling who wrote the ‘Harry Potter’ novels, ‘The Casual Vacancy’ and ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’; the literary phenomenon of the...

Concept Of Mistake And Fate In Thomas Hardy's Novel The Mayor Of Casterbridge

When Michael Henchard sells his wife and child at a state fair he feels in instantly regretful and vows to become sober to make up for his wrongdoings. Henchard often looks back to this moment throughout Thomas Hardy’s novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge. This story is about a series of mistakes that the main character...
1456 Words 3 Pages

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone: Reader's Opinion

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling is a very magical novel with a wonderful plot. The novel takes place in Britain from 1991 to 1992. We follow a preteen boy named Harry though this book. He is tall and skinny and has green eyes. He also has long shaggy hair that usually...
2181 Words 5 Pages
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