Essays on Enterpreneur

Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Pioneer

It is known that Steve Jobs could be egotistical, authoritarian, and harsh. However, he was an extraordinary pioneer. In spite of the perceptions of some about Mr. Steve Jobs’ haughty style, it is trusted that he had somewhere around three characteristics that extraordinary official pioneers have: a reasonable vision, desire for the organization and its...
1704 Words 4 Pages

Mark Zuckerberg: The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking Any Risk

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing really quick, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” (Zuckerberg, 2011) This quote is by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, an online social media and social networking service company. Facebook has over 2.2 billion...
986 Words 2 Pages

Mark Zuckerberg: The Greatest Business Leader Of The 21st Century

Introduction America’s favorite boy genius facebook founder born in New York on May 14, 1984. Who knew is going to become the greatest teen business leader, North America has ever seen.A young 22-year-old gentleman started from his Harvard dorm room as a ‘Harvard thing’ ended up connecting 2.2 billion people by the end of 2018...
1755 Words 4 Pages

Walt Disney And His Entertainment Company

Why does Disney keep its development team small? Walt Disney is an entertainment company that is very famous for its movies and its entertainment places. The company was founded by Walter and Roy Disney in 1923 as a producer of animated movie. The company grew to become a leader in animation before getting into the...
607 Words 1 Page

Canadian Entrepreneur: Elon Musk - The Founder And CEO Of SpaceX And Tesla

Canadian Entrepreneur: Elon Musk Elon musk founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. SpaceX is an aerospace manufacturing company and it uses solar power and artificial intelligence. He owned another company named as Tesla which works on electric power and batteries thus making this car cheaper and environment friendly. He got a lot of awards...
807 Words 2 Pages

Henry Ford: A Genius In Many Aspects

Henry Ford had many events happen in his life. He has made our everyday life so much easier. Henry Ford was a genius in many aspects. Starting with his early childhood, to working on the first ford automobile, and what he is known for. He is a well-known person and still to this day he...
2856 Words 6 Pages
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