Essays on Entertainment

Purity As Seen In Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away

Spirited Away is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most well-known Japanese film producers to date. Hayao Miyazaki hand draws all of his story boards and then when he satisfied with his work it is digitized, earning him the nickname of “Japanese Walt Disney”. The works of Miyazaki tell obscure tales...

Ethnic And Religious Conflict In Hotel Rwanda

Ethnicity and religion have been the cause of many conflicts around the world. This persecution due to fundamental differences has been illustrated throughout history, seen in the works of Elie Wiesel’s Night to Paul Rusesabagina’s The Ordinary Man and the movie based on the same experience, Hotel Rwanda. Destruction and disparity has stemmed from uncensored...

People Change In The Truman Show

In life, people change. People change every day, because of the challenges they experience and the people they meet. In “The Truman Show”, Truman’s personality changes throughout the movie. At the beginning of the movie, Truman is unaware of the odd occurrences around him, later Truman’s personality changes to borderline psychotic. At the end of...

Major Challenges In Music Industry

The music industry is facing challenges through business perspective, the copyright of music, popular music, live music and the challenges artist face. For instance, online music sharing has prompted legal challenges and industry alliances, while raising significant concerns regarding the industry future. A study in 2000 reported 14 of internet users had downloaded music for...

Film Analysis Of A Docudrama Deepwater Horizon

Film Summary The film, Deepwater Horizon, is a docudrama based on the true story of the disaster that took place, causing the immense BP oil spill. The main character in the movie are Mike Williams, James Harrell (Mr Jimmy), David Vidrine, Robert Kaluza and Andrea Fleytas. The film is set on the Transocean oil rig,...
2456 Words 5 Pages

The Power Of Music: Psychology Of Classical Music

Music is an important factor in social relationships and is often part of how people define themselves. Lots of people listen to music to make them feel an emotion, whether that be to make them happy, sad, calm, or excited. But can music help your mental health? Can classical music aid your intellectual abilities, emotional...

Self-Determination Theory In Zootopia

Disney’s animated blockbuster, Zootopia, takes place in a world where animals behave like humans. The story is about a rabbit and a fox who work together to solve the mystery of the fourteen missing mammals in their city. One of the protagonists in the film is Judy Hopps, the first rabbit to become a police...
1715 Words 4 Pages

Cultural Ignorance And Desire In Amistad: Film Analysis

Human flaws such as cultural ignorance and desire for excess are clearly depicted thus far in the film. This film is based on suffering and survival of the deprived and the differences between the “cargo” of the La Amistad and the rich Spanish in charge. In the opening scene, the enslaved Africans screaming on board...
401 Words 1 Page
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