Essays on Environment

Air Pollution: Analysis Of Sources And Impacts Of Pollutants

Air is essential for the survival of humankind, consequently, this crucial asset must be kept clean since it’s the elixir of life. However, in this developing world with a booming population, this fundamental asset is getting pollution by human activities. Air pollution is a mixture of both particles and gases that can reach harmful concentrations...
2048 Words 5 Pages

Air Pollution: Movement Of Air In Troposphere And Stratosphere

Earth is the only planet in the solar system which supports life. The main reason behind this extraordinary feature of our planet is the fact that it is surrounded by a layer of gases called the atmosphere. But the quality of the atmosphere is getting deteriorated day by day due to a variety of polluting...
624 Words 1 Page

Water Quality in West Virginia

Abstract The quality of water in West Virginia is very inadequate. It is laced with a chemical called C8. This chemical is extremely dangerous and has caused many health issues. C8 found itself in West Virginia’s water because of a company named DuPont. DuPont used this chemical for the distribution of Teflon. During the production...
1950 Words 4 Pages

Cleaner Production And Sustainability: Shift Towards Steady State Economy

Sustainability Public awareness of environmental issues has increased in many countries as the anthropogenic impact on the environment become more apparent and environmental degradation worsens (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, pp. 2). Sustainability is widely recognized as the key concept in generating effective actions to solve these environmental problems such as depletion of natural resources, declining biodiversity,...
1523 Words 3 Pages

Situation With Whaling In Japan: Opinion Essay

Over the years, the number of whales have reduced drastically. On the last century, human beings have killed 3 million different types of whales, 90% of these whales were killed by the whale’s industry (Cressey, 2015). However, most of these actions are illegal whaling. The behavior of human being has already affected whale population. Currently,...
1067 Words 2 Pages

Offshore Oil Drilling And Oil Spill: Research Paper

In the United States of America, there are more than 5,600 offshore gas and oil drills operating. They encourage the creation of a lot of oil-based goods. Oil drilling additionally adds to fundamental problems in an assortment of ways. They tremendously affect the water, seafloor, air quality, and marine biological systems. The oil that spills...
1349 Words 3 Pages

Storm: Hurricane Florence And Its Impact On The Carolinas

Introduction Hurricanes are known for their potentially destructive nature, and with that comes an economic impact that can halt the productivity of most coastal cities . The east coast of the United States is especially prone to major hurricanes, which is made evident ever year a storm affects the region. According to the official information...
1433 Words 3 Pages
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