Essays on Environment

General Overview Of Wind Energy As A Renewable Energy Resource

Abstract: Here in this paper we will discuss about a well known renewable energy resource, Wind energy. And along with this we will focus on the design and installation consideration of wind turbine. Tip speed ratio, blade pitch angle, solidity these are some important parameters to get maximum power from the environment by a wind...
892 Words 2 Pages

Endangered Species Around The World And Throughout The Seychelles

Introduction The following review of the literature confirms that global biodiversity is a thread by human actives. Read to get the basic knowledge related to endangered species globally and within the Seychelles where they are increasingly being hunted by mankind. It is best to know what type of animal that is most endangered and know...
1476 Words 3 Pages

Water Pollution: Concept Map Showing Pollutants

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back where it was. – Toni Morrison. It can never be the same again. For centuries we have been plagued with one of the most serious disasters of all times. It has disturbed one of our most useful natural resources and is causing...
1855 Words 4 Pages

Heat Island Effect: Jungle Fires

Jungles are burning in this hot summer. This year, according to newspapers, summer is over four degrees Celsius hotter than the previous year. In the last week of April, the heat waves and the patterns of summer have been difficult for people. Kalahandi is in the western side of Odisha. The Easter state of India...
1048 Words 2 Pages

Development Of Wind Energy In India

Abstract Wind power is the conversion of Wind Energy into useful forms, such as using turbine to make electrical power, windmills for mechanical power, wind pumps for water pumping or drainage, or sails to propel ships. Wind has considerable potential as a global clean energy source, as it is widely available, and it does not...

Cape Town Water Strategy

Many kinds of ecosystems support urban life with essential ecosystem services. With over 50% of the human population now living in urbanized areas, these societies are fundamentally dependent on the health of our ecosystems. One of the challenges we face is that current worldviews disconnect human progress and economic growth from the biosphere, treating humans...
3049 Words 7 Pages

Animal Extinction: Essence And Human-induced Causes

In the year of 2017 ,there have been more incidents of poaching in South Africa (Poaching) than murders in the state of Illinois (Numbers), which has a major city, Chicago, infamous for its crime rate. Humanity deems it evil to murder other human beings, but is fine with murdering other animals for food and accessories...
1399 Words 3 Pages
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