Essays on Environmental Protection

Recycling And Waste Management: Opinion Essay

Waste management is a very important factor in today’s society. Due to the increase of population in the world, the amount of waste that is wasted in also increasing every day. This increase in waste could mean that the lives of many people will be affected in a negative way. Waste is dangerous to society...
645 Words 1 Page

Opportunity Costs Of Conserving A Dry Tropical Forest: The Case Of The Spiny Dry Forest In Southwestern Madagascar

1. Introduction The need to conserve tropical dry forest cannot be over emphasized. According to Portillo-Quintero et al., (2015) such forest support high biodiversity species and exists in high population density regions in less developed world and consequently prone to uncontrolled exploitation. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) is a universal approach meant to...
1717 Words 4 Pages

National Forest Policy In Bhutan

National Forest Policy Bhutan is a mountainous nation situated on the eastern Himalayas of the southern slope. It is a home for 738,000 populace with amazing biodiversity array with the country being one of the world’s ten biodiversity hotspots. Also, over 72 percent of the total land area is under forest cover for all times...
830 Words 2 Pages

Water Budget Analysis Of Malta

Water is an essential resource with consistently high demand. While water is perceived as inexhaustible, growing global populations and rapid urbanization has placed pressure on available freshwater resources. These growing demands have the resulted in freshwater shortages in certain areas. On the other hand, some naturally wet regions or regions that become wetter due to...

Application And Issues Of CEA In Conservation

Evaluating interventional programs that are and have been implemented are based mostly on ecological factors for success. For example, evaluating a conservation intervention programme based purely on species status (Salafsky and Margoluis, 1999). However, it is also important that investments in conservation should also be evaluated in order to decide which conservation options would provide...
976 Words 2 Pages

Trash Depleting Our Planet: Recycling Or Fining

The trash depleting our planet is striking. We pay for our actions so why would we not pay for the lack of them? 10% of councils in the UK make it obligatory for their tenants to recycle. However, 75% of families in Scotland would not have to pay the tax for not doing it, as...
1163 Words 3 Pages
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