Essays on Europe

Analysis of The Welfare Transition of Poland, Russia, and Hungary After The Collapsed Soviet Union In1990

According to Fenger, the type of government welfare states arrangement in Eastern European consist of Soviet Union (FSU) Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and other developing States like Georgia and Romania. These countries have gone through a lot of political and economic transitions in comparison with all the other Countries. Hemerijck and Ferrera claimed that immediately...
1436 Words 3 Pages

Importance Of The Preservation Of Herculaneum And Pompeii

Architecture held within the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum has been preserved on a level that no other art from the time period has been able to reproduce. An unfortunate tragedy occurred in 79 CE when a large volcano, Mount Vesuvius, erupted taking the cities by storm. These Roman towns were soon flooded with volcanic...
897 Words 2 Pages

Historical Ties Between The Republic Of Ireland And The: Shared Legal Tradition, Common Language And Cultural Ties

An analysis of the spectacular growth that Ireland had in the last few decades would not be complete enough without a comparison with the economic performance that the island had prior to this economic miracle. The close historical ties between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, with their shared legal tradition, common language...
1480 Words 3 Pages

The Rebuild And The Architecture Of Paris: Eiffel Tower

Paris is the most beautiful city in France. It is the capital city of France. Paris has a wide historical background. It is situated in the north part of the center of France, at the bank of Seine river. Seine river divide Paris into two halves, the left bank has cultural and modern development and...
1612 Words 4 Pages

Ukraine: Culture and General History

The world contains over one hundred unique countries each with their own culture and history. Each country has its own unique aspects to it, but there are also similarities between a multitude of countries. The focus of this paper will be on a single country, Ukraine. Ukraine is a European country with a diverse culture,...
2853 Words 6 Pages

General Overview Of Germany: Analytical Essay

Clothing: The usual German attire is usually western themed. Men and women both wear dark, simple suits and shirts in the business world. However, in each section of the country have their own traditional clothes, which differ a bit from each other. Some sections have men wearing shirts and knickers or Lederhosen (leather trousers), and...
1142 Words 3 Pages

Paris As Tourist Destination: Museums And Landmarks

Paris is the capital of France and the most highly populated city in the country with a population of 2.2 million. Since the 17th century Paris has been one of Europe’s major centres of finance, commerce, fashion, science and the arts, particularly well known for its museums and landmarks. In 2017, 23 million people visited...
1094 Words 2 Pages

The Significance Of The Berlin Wall

The deconstruction of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of dictatorship and oppression after decades of being held in this vicious cycle. The people of Germany in 1989 had an instinct for liberty and political equality that overruled their want for governmental control after the second world war and up until the end of the...
1416 Words 3 Pages

The Social Exclusion of Immigrants in Modern Paris

This research paper will address issues regarding the government of France’s role in building inequality into their capital’s suburban neighborhoods. These cities are Paris’s banlieues, home to the city’s large immigrant communities plagued by lack of opportunity, surging unemployment, rampant poverty, and police discrimination. By law, the integration of an immigrant into French society is...
505 Words 1 Page
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