Essays on Existentialism

Existentialism In The Novels Of Don DeLillo

The novels of Don DeLillo contains major core existential thematic aspects such as fear of death, alienation, authenticity, creating essence to existence, urge for Power and to become Superman. The main protagonists David Bell, Gary Harkness, Keith, Oswald and Jack Gladney can be proved as Existential Heroes within the content of these major core aspects...
1309 Words 3 Pages

Existentialism Through Paul Jean-Sartre’s Nausea And Franz Kafka’s The Trial

Intro: Existentialism is the tradition of philosophical inquiry which is derived from the experience of the human subject – not merely the thinking subject. This movement revolves around contemplating and revel in the absurdity of the world, the contingency of existence, the nightmare of intersubjectivity as well as political oppression. Through Paul Jean-Sartre’s Nausea and...
553 Words 1 Page

No Exit As A Great Existentialist Work

No Exit is a great existentialist work because it highlights the importance of choices and freedom in life by positing a situation where those fundamentals of existentialist philosophy seem as if they no longer an option. It explores how people’s ability to make choices is vitally linked to their sense of self. Put in a...
1505 Words 3 Pages

The Evolution Of Existential Philosophy

Existentialism, particularly but not exclusively in its atheistic variety, focuses on the human as a creator, one reinvents values, purposes and ultimately, a self. Existential ideologies are as pervasive as pain; (they are) a (universal) medium to embrace our transience yet those that urge us to embark on a (futile) journey of self-discovery. As Maurice...
935 Words 2 Pages

Nihilism And Existentialism

What is one’s purpose in life? What meaning does life have? These are a few of the many questions that countless philosophers and ordinary people have been asking for centuries. This idea of questioning the reason for life is known as existentialism. We have all at one point or another questioned the meaning of our...
1871 Words 4 Pages

Jean-Paul Sartre Versus Friedrich Nietzsche

Jean-Paul Sartre belongs to the Atheist group of Existentialists. His writings examine man as a responsible but lonely being, burdened with a terrifying freedom to choose and set adrift in a meaningless universe. The main purpose of atheist existentialism is ‘God is nowhere’. Sartre is an atheist existentialist and he believes that ‘Existence precedes Essence’....

Existentialism For Pupils And Teachers

“Philosophical existentialism has sought to understand the nature of human existence and the possible meaning(s) that might be made thereof” (Wardle, 2016). This is realising that humans exist first, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to change or better their essences that makes them human. When one looks at the meaning of...
644 Words 1 Page

Existentialism And Its Educational Implications

Introduction Since his creation man is trying to quench his thirst for knowledge and unconsciously he is expecting knowledge as a source of peace , power and unity. This urge led man to formulate different philosophies for getting educated . Some major philosophies of education are these Idealism Realism Pragmatism Reconstructivism Essentialism Behaviorism Existentialism All...
3232 Words 7 Pages
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