Essays on Family Business

Family entrepreneurship: Characteristics And Successful Cases

Introduction Family Entrepreneurship is considered very important in the world today because it has contribute to job creation, wealth generation, and gross national product. In the world today, the growth of entrepreneurship is on the rise. Studies have confirmed that in the year 2011, there were about 388 million entrepreneurs who were actively involved in...
3073 Words 7 Pages

Family Business: Al Gufa Trading Food In Dubai

Family administration structures and procedures ought to be set up those with family businesses. Family businesses particularly which still in the organizer arrange, common repetition is for family partners to settle on family administration choice free for them to choose, without advising other members. To administer the connections between the proprietors, relatives, and supervisors, a...
1950 Words 4 Pages

Case Study About Conflicts In Family Business

On September 2012, I was having a cup of coffee with my friend Eng. Khaled Alghunaimat who was the production manager of ALAFDAL for steel company. ALAFDAL is a family owned metal fabrication company specialized in fabricating metal doors and fences. ALAFDAL factory was located in Sehab, Jordan. The company was founded by Khaled’s father...
616 Words 1 Page
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