Essays on Fauvism

Fauvism: Characteristics And Major Artists

Fauvism is defined as a style of painting with vivid expressionistic and non-naturalistic use of color that flourished in Paris from 1905 and, although short-lived, had an important influence on subsequent artists, especially the German expressionists. Key artists that contributed heavily to this movement were Henri Matisse, André Derain, and Georges Braque. Some major characteristics...
1368 Words 3 Pages

Henri Matisse's The Joy Of Life As An Example Of Fauvism

The Joy of Life In 1906, Henri Matisse completed in what is regularly viewed as his most prominent Fauve painting. It is a huge scale painting portraying an Arcadian scene loaded up with splendidly hued woods glade, ocean, and sky and populated by bare figures both very still and in movement. Similarly as with the...
576 Words 1 Page

The Fauves “Discovery” Of African Art

Introduction A small group of French artist began the 20th century with Matisse at the helm of a new movement in art. Although it wasn’t until 1907 that the fauves named was attached to the movement. The Woman With The Hat was originally submitted into the 1905 Salon d’Automne by Henri Matisse along with eight...
747 Words 2 Pages
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