Essays on Finance

The Investment Decision-making Process

The making of investment decisions is critical for businesses, as they represent a way of achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. Potential investment opportunities to make sure that decisions reflect the requirements of the business and its financial management strategy include Mutual funds/exchange-traded funds, foreign currency exchange, Stocks and Shares, Bonds, land, Certificates of deposit....
727 Words 2 Pages

World Bank: Main Directions Of Work

Initially, loans were provided for financing to rebuild the economies of war-torn countries in Western Europe and Japan after World War II. Today, the Bank provides loans to developing countries in Africa, Asia, Central Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union. World Bank jobs: Providing funds for development projects and programs...
619 Words 1 Page

Changes In The Banking Landscape

The rise of the Neo-challenger banks, which provide full-digital financial services, has become a topic of particular interest. Largely because of the effect their presence is creating in the Banking landscape but also because they are cultivating technology innovation and improving customer service. The continual growth and development of Neo-banks have been well documented, with...
924 Words 2 Pages

Bank Management And Introduction Of New Technologies

1. ICICI Bank- Voice Recognition for Biometric Authentication ICICI Bank, the largest private sector bank in India, had announced the launch of a voice recognition service which authenticates customers based on their speech patterns and allows them to execute banking transactions through the Bank’s Call Centre in a quick, secure and easy manner.  The-first-of-its kind...
1703 Words 4 Pages

Uniqueness Of Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank was one of the significant drivers of the Exposure to Underwriting Liabilities (CDO) exposure during the 2004 to 2008 housing bubble, amounting to approximately $ 32 billion. A 2011 report by the US Senate Standing Committee on Investigations into Wall Street and the Financial Crisis examined Deutsche Bank as a contextual inquiry into...
669 Words 1 Page

Types Of Risks In Banking

Introduction Without taking the risk, banks, the important financial institution, cannot be in running order (Matthews & Thompson, 2014). In business term, the bank is defined as an institution authorized by a government which provides financial services, for example, accepting deposits, paying interest, making loans, etc., to facilitate and provide benefit to an individual consumer,...
2078 Words 5 Pages
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