Essays on Football

Effects of Football on Peace Building in a Conflicted Society

Introduction In a world full of conflicts and differences in values, interests and beliefs between ethical groups, a development of solutions for peace- and community building is getting increasingly necessary. One solution which has a small but important impact on peace building is the use of sport. Therefore, the application of sport as a device...
1395 Words 3 Pages

Exploration into How Educational Neuroscience May be Used in a Developmental Football Context

Introduction Education in football in the United Kingdom has historically adopted a model of following traditionally accepted norms towards coaching methodology and philosophy. There has been an insular stance towards academic discourse, research and epistemological practices that can be viewed as ‘outside’ football knowledge (Haywood, 2008; Pain 2010). My experience as a player, coach, coach-educator...
1628 Words 4 Pages

Morphological Processes of Indonesian Football Clubs: Analytical Essay

Abstract There are many researchers do their research on morphological processes, but research on Indonesian football clubs is still limited and rare numbers. This study supported by previous study of (Refi Mayasari Buhari, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Sutiono Mahdi, 2019), is trying to figure out the dominant morphological processes found in the Indonesian culinary naming....
1275 Words 3 Pages

General Overview of Betting on Football

One of the biggest sports in the world for betting is football. Pay a visit to an online betting site and one of the most visible sports that the bookmaker is pushing is going to be football. That is because of the massive global popularity of the sport. The appeal of the beautiful game is...
1320 Words 3 Pages

Football Hooliganism: Problems and Recommendations

Football hooliganism is “uncivilized fan behavior that actually occurs in and around football grounds” (Marsh S. F., 2006). Bulgaria is a country that struggles with the fight against aggression on the stadiums and racism manifestations by different fan groups. The example from the racism scenes of the fans during the last game between Bulgaria and...
1508 Words 3 Pages

Racism in British Football: Critical Analysis

1.0 Introduction Many people are influenced by racial ideologies and see themselves superior to people of other skin color, belief or religion (Coakley, 2017). They spread intolerance and hate against other ethnicities and cultural groups through various platforms. One of these platforms is sport, especially football. As football is one of the world’s most popular...
2393 Words 5 Pages

Corruption in Football: Analytical Essay

Corruption in football Abstract The subject that I chose to write about is corruption in football. My thesis statement is to know whether corruption is a threat to football or not and how we can fight against it? I chose this problem because, I watch and read a lot about football and as a football...
749 Words 2 Pages

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