Essays on Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche And His Work Human, All Too Human (1878)

In his work Human, All Too Human (1878) Friedrich Nietzsche identifies a “congenital defect” from which seemingly all philosophers suffer. In his diagnosis of philosophical activity, Nietzsche claims this defect originates from a “lack of historical sense.” Many philosophers make unwarranted assertions about “man” and human behaviour. These assertions are frequently made without any historical...
961 Words 2 Pages

Jean-Paul Sartre Versus Friedrich Nietzsche

Jean-Paul Sartre belongs to the Atheist group of Existentialists. His writings examine man as a responsible but lonely being, burdened with a terrifying freedom to choose and set adrift in a meaningless universe. The main purpose of atheist existentialism is ‘God is nowhere’. Sartre is an atheist existentialist and he believes that ‘Existence precedes Essence’....

Analysis Of Beyond Good And Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche

In Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche presents an unorthodox argument concerning the natural state of humankind and the means of its ultimate decline. Nietzsche claims that individuals do not allow their own natural impulses and desires to guide them, but they rather observe the guidelines of the weak majority. Nietzsche argues that a failure...
721 Words 2 Pages

Philosophy Of Nietzsche On Love

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche A poet, composer, critic and thinker, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche philosopher began his career as a classical philologist. Later he turned to philosophy. Nietzsche’s thoughts and ideas have greatly shaped the 20th and early-21st century thinkers across the world in areas of existentialism, genre and post-structuralism, furthermore as art, literature, psychology, politics and...
642 Words 1 Page

Camus, Nietzsche And The Present

In this essay, I will talk about the relationship between Nietzsche’s philosophy, namely nihilism and the analysis of Albert Camus’ novel, abroad. Then I will make a brief analysis of the current situation with what has been said in the previous paragraph. To begin with, I will give a brief account of Albert Camus’ life...
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