General Overview of Gender Discrimination: Opinion Essay

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God created humans as Man and Woman. So, first I will talk about gender discrimination that only focuses on man and woman. Gender discrimination is what can be appropriate on girls or boys, men or women. It is an unequal treatment of one’s gender. What are the causes of this gender discrimination? How can we prevent this type of social issue? How can we agree on can women do the things that the men do or can the men do the things that the women do?

Gender discrimination can be anywhere; we can see or hear it from discussions in the social media or from the news itself. This proves that discrimination on both men and women happens often. So, the cause of this discrimination is based on several types like on religion, work preference or qualifications, and also depends on how people look at it. Many people right now don’t even know about this issue of gender discrimination. This can have a positive and negative behavior towards a particular group because one belongs to a particular class or gender. If you get offended or humiliated, then you are being discriminated. You are humiliated or offended therefore you are discriminated. For example, in the workplace, not all women can enter in the works of the men because some believe that men can only do that job. There can be a few solutions on how we can solve this issue. First is to provide training without bias because you should educate your employees so that you can help them to understand their strengths and weaknesses and their work in eliminating them. Second is to include both men and women because we cannot solve this issue by just focusing on women or men and both have the valuable skills that must be considered. According to Leach, A. (2016) we have 12 ways to attain equality but I will pick 3 only. First is make education gender sensitive to have a progress in improving our society and to increase our education knowledge. Second is to raise aspirations of girls and their parents, so that we can see what the girls or women can do in their own skills or capabilities in doing what they can. Third is to work together, of course we need to work together in making our life better and also our society in order to stop the discrimination in the world. A man and a woman as humans are equal but the difference is just the physical features of the man and woman. Man is more muscular than woman and woman is half as strong as the man. Another example is in military. In the military, in the past years, men were only required to join in and no women were allowed but over the years, women were permitted to join the military and do what the men do, even becoming officers. Times have evolved and gender discrimination has always been there to stay. I believe that employers, for example, will have to evaluate more of this issue because eradicating gender discrimination in the workplace would be a good start to a better and competent workforce. The areas of politics, medicine, law enforcement, judiciary to name a few have been giving man and women equal opportunities and I believe this should be the way to go to have a better living environment. Discrimination can take many forms but my main topic is about the gender discrimination which is most likely one of the social issues right now. Let’s stop this discrimination for us to have a freedom in everything that we want to do. Let’s not compare that men are stronger than women or women are stronger than men, we should have the respect on everyone’s capabilities. This discrimination is treating someone who is not fit in that job and women have showed to us that they can perform the skills that the men have in the workplace. There are tips on how can you fight gender discrimination. According to Segal, J. A. (2015) is to practice social inclusion because it is to ensure the social inclusion is well inclusive and it also diminishes its importance. And for Segal, J. A. (2015) we need to fight the biases like in the workplace. The manager is always just always on the other employee who is not doing well and discrimination against men because not only women can be in the workplace but men can also do it. The effects of gender discrimination, according to Leonard, K. (2015) Individual health issues because of their experience on discrimination at work and the common mental health issues. Next is the increased workplace conflict because it can fracture a team and one group is not involving the person who is being discriminated. Leonard, K. (2015). To end this speech, can we agree on the women can do the men do or can the men do the women do? Yes, because both have their skills and in the workplace it should be justified for both genders to be approved in that place to give a chance for both men and women to showcase their skills in doing the job that is capable for men and women.

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