Essays on Global Warming

Global Warming: Historical Background And Possible Solutions

The issue of global warming was first raised by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. Arrhenius believed that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming. ( S.M. Enzler). By the 1930’s people started to realize that the United States and North Atlantic region had warmed significantly during the previous half century. G. S. Callendar...
1765 Words 4 Pages

Reduction Of Greenhouse Gas Emission In Ontario

I. Introduction Ontario is generating electricity through hydro, nuclear, gas/oil, wind, and biomass. Around 73 percent of electricity is generated through non-renewable resources like nuclear, gas/oil, and biomass, which have a significant environmental impact and Greenhouse gas emission [1]. II. Power Generation As of Monday, October 7th, 2019. 11:00 AM EST, Ontario power generation from...

Awareness Campaign on the Matter of Global Warming

Abstract In this proposal, out team/company offers an awareness campaign on the matter of Global warming, its effect on economies of Southeast Asian countries and global wildlife and aquatic life, as well as actions/solutions an individual could take to offset/delay the global warming. The topics to be addressed regarding Southeast Asian countries would include dent...
908 Words 2 Pages

Rising Temperatures and the Destruction of Coral Reefs

It is a well-known fact that climate change has been drastically affecting a number of ecosystems around us; however, one of the most negatively affected ecosystems isn’t found here on land, but rather in large bodies of water known as oceans. While a number of species are meeting their demise as a result of increased...

Debates Over Global Warming: Complexity And Awareness

Our planet’s aesthetic elements are slowly disappearing due to human activity that is leading to global warming. Our actions, such as excessive use of electricity and fossil fuels, contribute to this critical issue. ‘Nowadays, our life patterns are difficult and surrounded by complexity for this global warming issue. Industries, refineries, excessive electromagnetic wave propagation through...
1008 Words 2 Pages

Global Warming: Effects, Causes, And The Steps We Can Take

What is global warming? According to, global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, and other pollutants. Global warming is caused by natural events and humans that are believed to be a contributor to the...
942 Words 2 Pages

Significance of Global Warming Problems for Humanity

“Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities” (Cook et al.). Since politicians and leaders are ignoring the issue, people are facing horrific problems globally. One effect that has happened because...
2007 Words 4 Pages

Global Warming: Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Private Vehicles

Global warming is a threat to the existence of humanity, partially due to the overuse of vehicles that emit greenhouse gases. Vehicles are responsible for several externalities and, undoubtedly, the rapid growth of private vehicles is contributing to increasing the level of greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto. However, as mentioned by Karjalainen and Juhola (2019),...

Global Warming: Conservation Of Energy And Waste Management

Global warming is a very controversial topic within the realm of science and politics in the modern world. Global warming is defined as an increase in the temperature within the Earth’s atmosphere due to an increase of greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect is due to the sun warming up the earth’s surface and the air...
928 Words 2 Pages
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