Essays on Google Glass

Smart Glass Using Organic Light Emitting Diode: A Headmounted Intelligent Device

Abstract— Recent developments in smart technology have en- chanced human life. Among its smart glass is the wearable handsfree, head-mounted intelligent device, performing computing activities with help of Augmented reality which involves the incorporation of computer graphics onto physical objects.It includes active data collection and data processing which made machine to human interaction possible in...
2247 Words 5 Pages

Role Of Policymaking For The Success And Failure Of Google Glass And ADMS

Question. Elaborate on the role of policymaking for the success and failure of Google Glass and ADMS, respectively. Answer. We will start with the role of policymaking for the failure of Google Glass and then explain further what part policymaking played in the success of ADMS (Advanced Distribution Management System). Failure of Google Glass We...
805 Words 2 Pages

Google Glass: General Description Of The Product And Marketing Plan

Today’s smart glasses are similar to the first versions of smartphones. But technological development is exponential and smart glasses will soon be mainstream. However, not as widely adopted as smartphones. Google Glass is an icebreaker product and other products are following in the slipstream. There are already many different competitors on the market, who are...
1907 Words 4 Pages
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