Essays on Graffiti

Graffiti As An Art Form: Development And Key Artists

Graffiti is a contemporary and controversial art form that is sited in public places. Unlike street art, graffiti is, in many cases, uncommissioned or painted without permission and therefore can be categorised as vandalism. Graffiti has significantly developed over the last few decades as, preceding the 1970’s, it was viewed as a rebellious, transgressive form...
704 Words 2 Pages

Graffiti As A Form Of Self-expression

What do you think of when you think of graffiti? Although, some might consider it one of the world’s beauties, I imagine many of you would picture the so-called ‘ugly, ridiculous’ title graffiti has received. When graffiti first started, it originally was used to write poems by ancient Romans and Greeks as a protest when...
566 Words 1 Page

Urban Graffiti: Ways Of Prevention And Control

For many years, state and local governments have needed to spend so much money every year tidying up graffiti. Despite the issue having been talked about genuinely by government bodies for a long time, there has been practically zero advancement in preventing spray painting/graffiti from happening; truth be told, it has become a noteworthy national...
2420 Words 5 Pages
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