Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets: Development Of The Main Character

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In the novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K Rowling the readers can see harry potter’s character develop. In this novel, it shows that harry potter mature as a wizard, even if he still is young harry learns a lot of lessons that are important and that is helping him learn about himself and life. Readers can see harry as a bit developed by the end of the novel, but not as a completely different person

In this second novel of the harry potter series, you can see that it is not too different from the first one because of many of the characteristics readers have already learned about harry potter in the first novel. At the beginning of the novel, readers learn that he can not wait to go back to Hogwarts and to meet his friends. As a reader in this second novel you can also see that harry potter has many doubts in himself and a lack of confidence, and likely that is caused by the years of abuse from the Dursley family. With all that you as a reader can see that Harry still is a kind, honest, and such a brave kid. You as a reader can see that for example when Harry treats dobby as an equal. In this second novel, you can see that Harry is just as righteous as he was in the first one, and that can be seen in harry’s distaste for people like Lucius and Draco.

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Rowling builds on another characteristic which is how harry deals with fame and in the first novel readers see that harry for the first time discovers that he is famous. However, this fame does not seem to impact him and you can see that in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that he dislike his fame. Rowling shows the reader clearly how Harry feels about his fame when he tries to refuse to take a picture with Lockhart.

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the two major themes, Rowling writes about in this novel are prejudice and class, and this you can see from the beginning of the novel because of how Harry treats all beings equal, just as when dobby shows up. However, what the readers also can see is that harry is very naive in this novel. An example is when Draco calls Hermione a “Filthy little mudblood” and Harry has no idea what that means. Readers can through this see how innocent harry is and that he really does not know how evil the world actually is, and that is something he learns during the time he is in Hogwarts. Harry turns out to Riddle for help figuring out what is happening and this shows how young harry is and that his judgment still needs more development, but eventually readers can see that harry develop better judgment with regards to who he should trust.

Harry also hears a voice that helps the readers identify some of his charismatics. Harry’s instinct is to follow the voice he hears in hopes of preventing it from doing anyone any harm. This is a characteristic that Rowling continues to build up. His instinct is to always do good things and prevent evil from occurring; however, Harry does not understand the source or nature of the voice. This lack of understanding becomes the source of frustration and doubt for Harry. He later deals with this by confiding in his friends but rejects help from more mature and experienced people, such as Dumbledore. The fact that he seeks help from his friends shows some maturity in Harry, but because he doesn’t seek help from Dumbledore readers can see that he has some growing up to do.

Throughout the book, Rowling enforces many of the characteristics she has already given Harry. For example, Harry doesn’t look down on Filch for being a squib, he throws a firecracker into a cauldron while in potions class, so that Hermione may get the ingredients for the poly juice potion, and finally his performance during the Quidditch game versus Slytherins. These show that Harry treats all beings equally, that he’ll break the rules for the greater good, and the Quidditch match shows his bravery, loyalty, determination, and teamwork. The Quidditch match a very example for describing Harry because of how intense it is. Oliver tells Harry, “get to that snitch…or die trying” and that is exactly what Harry does. In addition, he tells George and Fred to leave him alone, so that he can find the snitch while leaving himself defenseless to the rogue bludger. This shows that Harry is even willing to sacrifice himself if his friends benefit.

Readers can see further development of Harry’s character when Riddle’s diary goes missing. Harry decides that he and Ron must talk to Hagrid about the situation even though he “can’t believe it’s him this time”. Harry is willing to break rules because he is interested in protecting his Hogwarts as well as preserving it. This is an important scene in the novel because Harry does not generally do bad things. Harry never really has a problem discerning right from wrong. However, there are certain circumstances when he must break rules in order to achieve the greater good; this is yet another trait which Rowling is building upon. Readers can see that Harry does not accept the status quo and will do whatever it takes to do what’s right. Readers can see examples of this when Harry goes into the forbidden forest and makes Ron come with him. Even though the last time he went in the forbidden forest he saw Voldemort, Harry does not hesitate to go, and even when he stands in front of Aragog Harry keeps his cool. In these passages, readers can see that Harry truly is a brave person of action. Harry’s bravery is also enhanced by the fact that he has to rely on his own instincts and himself for help; Hermione has been petrified and Ron’s wand is broken, rendering him useless. Another example of how Harry’s character develops can be seen in how he handles being blamed for petrifying Hermione. Even though so many horrible things are going on around him, he doesn’t explode or overreact. In fact, when Ernie apologizes for suspecting him, Harry does not hold a grudge.

Hermione’s character actually players a major role in the development of Harry. Her condition leaves her confined to the infirmary and leaves Harry to solve problems he’d leave to Hermione on his own. Without Hermione’s knowledge, Harry must approach every dangerous encounter while relying on his own instincts, bravery, and loyalty. For example, when Ron suggests that they go speak with Lockhart, Rowling tells the reader that Harry agreed because he “couldn’t think of anything else to do and because he wanted to do something” (296). Also, when they go to see Lockhart and realize that he intends on running away, it is Harry who challenges Lockhart and stops him. He tells Lockhart,” You’re the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher . . . You can’t go now!”. These scenes show readers that Harry is becoming more independent and can rely on his own abilities. Even without anyone’s help, Harry is capable of making his own decisions and doing what he believes is right.

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, readers see Harry take part in a conflict similar to the ending of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. In this final conflict, Harry shows immense bravery and loyalty. He also learns an important lesson with regards to his good nature and trusting other people. Harry wanted to believe that Riddle wanted to help him, but he soon discovers that he is doesn’t. In fact, he learns that Riddle is Voldemort and Harry shows courage in trying to fight him. Harry also shows how loyal he actually is when he tells Riddle that “Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the world”. Because of his loyalty, Harry is rewarded with the phoenix and even though Harry doesn’t know exactly what to do, he is still brave enough to fight.

The end of the book also foreshadows what is to become of Harry. Harry using his wit to trick Lucius into freeing Dobby shows that in the future he’ll have to combat evil with his intelligence in addition to his actions. Even though many readers may have grown a dislike for Dobby because of what he has done to Harry; Harry sees that his actions were to help him, so Harry tries to help him in return. This kindness is a characteristic Rowling also builds upon in Harry and is essential in his personality.

Harry’s character evolves throughout the novel. In the end, readers are presented with a character that is different, but not completely. Readers can see that Harry is not an exceptional hero. In fact, he is more of an average person that is aided by those who care for him and are genuinely concerned for his well-being. Harry is a good person and this would be true even if he wasn’t a wizard. While magic adds to the novel, it does not entirely makeup Harry’s personality. In fact, it is Harry’s human characteristics that allow Harry to shine as a hero in this novel. He is a hero, but this fact is not based solely on him being a wizard.

In conclusion, Harry’s development teaches readers many things and gives them some insight into what is to become of Harry. One theme of the novel is that people will always encounter obstacles. Harry learns that even as a wizard, he will always face difficult times. To overcome his endeavors Harry must continue to grow as a person and continue to live fully aware that dangers are present. The best Harry can do is keep using his strong character traits such as honesty, bravery, wit, loyalty, and finally what is probably most important to his character vigilance.  


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