Essays on Historical Figures

Value-based Learning for an Entrepreneur: a Gandhian Perspective of Self-reliance

Gandhian qualities of management style are to interpret and adopt the philosophy of love satya (truth) and ahimsa (nonviolence) in the domains of business and corporate dealings for entrepreneurs globally. Every one speaks about ethical management and moral codes of conduct but few practice it. Everyone teaches, gives examples and propagates Gandhian principles but few...

Mahatma Gandhi Is An Inspirational Figure Representing Peace

Mahatma Gandhi is an inspirational figure representing peace not only for myself but for remarkable figures in history as Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and many others. Gandhi studied law, following to his major he started his initial campaign in South Africa contributing to change and end racism. By the time of his arrival...
995 Words 2 Pages

The Death Of Robert E Lee

The United States was in a war against itself and the nation was divided between the North and Southside. The Northern and Southern states had different thoughts and beliefs during this time, which was one of the main causes of the Civil War. This war was also known as the bloodiest four years of war...
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John Adams: Way Of Life

John Adams was born on October 30, 1735, in Massachusetts. The environment that John Adams grew up in was a farm that was not too far from Boston. His father much like John had more than one job he was a shoemaker and farmer for their community and worked helping in their church. Susanna Boylston,...
1214 Words 3 Pages

Relevance Of Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy Of Peace In 21st Century For Sustainable Development

Abstract It is fact that in present society, disagreement and strife on all sides terrorize independence. The concept of violence free peaceful world is destroying by cancerous elements like disruptive behaviour, indiscrimination, intolerance and narrow-mindedness. Only peace, conflict free mind, knowledge, understanding, critical thinking and kindness are potential instruments for tuning the mind sets of...
1939 Words 4 Pages

Views On Presidency: John Adams Versus George Washington

Throughout the history of the United States, we have had 45 Presidents lead this country. Ever since George Washington became the first president on April 30, 1789, to Donald Trump becoming the 45th on January 20, 2017. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were all different in their presidency beliefs and structures, but they...

Vasco Da Gama: Huge Discoveries With Huge Consequences

As Chuck Palahniuk said in Invisible Monster: « Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish”(1). The transition between Old and New World comes from the destruction and annihilation of populations, cultures and the lack of sense of human beings. What are the main discoveries...
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Mahatma Gandhi And His Influence On The Surface Of The World

“You must be the change you want to see in the world”. (Gandhi). No one should leave the world without leaving behind a legacy, without showing the world that they have been placed on it for a reason. Mahatma Gandhi did exactly that. He did not lift his finger when he was enraged with anger....
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Mahatma Gandhi's Ideas Concerning Education

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world”.(Mahatma Gandhi) “EDUCATION is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”(Nelson Mandela). Education is the Development of the total personality of a child. Education is concerned with methods of teaching and learning whether in schools or school like environments. Education is the...
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Gandhian Peace Education for the Existence of Human Civilization

The development of human civilization is not measured through the buildings he has fabricated, the roads it has laid down, bridges which has constructed by the human resources; rather it is measured through a well-defined system of education. In the absence of proper education, the civilization can develop too much little. Education is, therefore, more...
2824 Words 6 Pages
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