Essays on Historical Figures

John Adams' Letter to Abigail Adams: Primary Source Analysis

John Adams to Abigail Adams, John (1735-1826). Letter to Abigail Adams, 3 July 1776 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Historical Society, 2002. or Adams, John. “John Adams to Abigail.” Primary Source Investigator. Accessed October 7, 2019. John Adams was a prominent political figure in the beginning stages of...

Role Of John Brown In The Abolitionist Movement

The North American royal colonies not only imported Africans but also captured Native Americans, impressing them into slavery. Many Native Americans were shipped as slaves to the Caribbean. Many of these slaves from colonies were able to escape by heading south, to the Spanish colony of Florida. While it was true that the cotton gin...
921 Words 2 Pages

Inaccuracy In The Patriot And John Adams

Why are history movies inaccurate from real-world history? Well, the film can only go so far towards creating an accurate portrayal of the past. They also don’t use real people they have actors, costumes, and sets to recreate the historical narrative. For example the movies The Patriot and John Adams. These movies are inaccurate in...
1111 Words 2 Pages

The Death Of Robert E. Lee

The United States was in a war against itself and the nation was divided between the North and Southside. The Northern and Southern states had different thoughts and beliefs during this time, which was one of the main causes of the Civil War. This war was also known as the bloodiest four years of war...
1028 Words 2 Pages

Alexander Hamilton And His Role In The History

I will go to Alexander Hamilton later but it helps to know a bit about the revolutionary war first. Revolutionary war started in 1775 and ended in 1783 and was over taxes and taxation without representation but mainly independence from Great Britain. It stared at Lexington and concord and ended at Yorktown with major battles...
401 Words 1 Page

Alexander Hamilton: How He Made History

“I may not live to see our glory. But I will gladly join the fight. And when our children tell our stories, they’ll tell the story of tonight. Raise a glass to freedom. Something they can never take away. No matter what they tell you. Raise a glass to the four of us. Tomorrow they’ll...
1448 Words 3 Pages

Mahatma Gandhi: The Way Of Life

 Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer from India, who made a big effect on Indian. Gandhi was born in northwest of India, the state of Porbandar in 2nd October 1869. Porbandar is well known as a western seaport of India and used on trading for a long time. Gandhi’s house was a rich family and his...
1644 Words 4 Pages
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