Essays on Home

Case Study of the Home Health Care Patient

Abstract Home health care is a largely used resource for hospital post-discharge patients, older adults, and disabled individuals that are unable to manage their health conditions and medication management without assistance. It is a complex process that requires consistent collaboration between agencies and primary care providers to be successful at managing this patient population. This...

Shrewd Home Security Framework: Project Analysis

Abstract The IoT with its capacity to control things by cell phones and PCs has made the existence more brilliant, complex and brought about different new innovations. The possibility of this paper is to utilize the IoT idea to display a shrewd home security framework, which can be gotten to at remote. This plan fuses...
1359 Words 3 Pages

CAM Treatment and Home Remedies: Analytical Essay

The two health conditions that were chosen to discuss are headaches and nausea. When it comes to headaches and nausea there are many different types of medications that individuals can take to help reduce those health conditions. One of the medications that can be used to help relieve headaches is Tylenol which has an analgesic...
2194 Words 5 Pages

Assessing the Productivity of Working from Home during Pandemic Control

Background of the Study Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as illness caused by a novel coronavirus and it is now called severe acute respiratory system coronavirus (SARS CoV 2). It was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. December 2019, it was initially reported to the...
1957 Words 4 Pages

Home Automation Using IOT: A Literature Review

One of the most recent catchwords within the world of technology is internet of Things. In Future internet of things can remodel the important world objects into intelligent virtual objects. The IoT direct to amalgamate everything in our world underneath a standard infrastructure. Current study on IoT that addresses ideas through totally different systematic review...

Study and Implementation of a Real-Time Home Automation Systems

Abstract In our modern life, home automation systems are important because we have access to it at various locations with a high value, which saves time by automatically reducing human work. Energy saving is one of the most important requirements that we aspire to. The motion sensors, temperature and humidity sensors (DHT11), Ultrasonic sensors and...
2344 Words 5 Pages

Smart Home Automation System: Design and Implementation

Introduction Smart home: A smart home or building is a home or building, usually a new one that is equipped with special structured wiring to enable occupants to remotely control or program an array of automated home electronic devices by entering a single command. For example, a homeowner on vacation can use a Touchtone phone...
2550 Words 6 Pages

Understanding the Meaning of 'Home': Critical analysis of Interview

1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze the meaning of ‘home’ by engaging the experience of another person by approaching them though interviews. In order to ensure the validation of the analysis, the first section of the study is written with literature review which discusses theories of what ‘home’ is which relevant...
3001 Words 7 Pages

Home Away from Home: Opinion Essay

Introduction Today I have the opportunity and privilege to speak to you all as a classmate and a friend. First of all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Martin Yala and I’m from a country called Papua New Guinea, which is located in the South Pacific and is also one of the...
1084 Words 2 Pages
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