Essays on Hospitality

Market Segmentation For Hospitality Industry

Numerous organizations nowadays understand that they can’t interest all clients in the marketplace, or in any case not all customers in the same way. Customers are too numerous too widely scattered, and too varied in their needs and buying process (Kotler and Bowen, 2010). In addition, Kotler and Bowen (2010) added that most organizations themselves...

History And Importance Of Tourism And Hospitality Industry

Introduction Nowadays, the hospitality and tourism industry become one of the largest service industries in the world. This is because it contributes more than 10% in global economic output along with one of ten job. Hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, lounges, coffee shops, bistros, fast food outlets are included in hospitality industry. The tourism industry composes of...

Hospitality And Guest Service Management In Hotels

Introduction Hospitality and guest service management are responsibilities for managing and handling customers and other hotel operations. He ensures that all functions are carried out smoothly and effectively. There is major role of this person to increase customer engagement and satisfaction. The responsibilities of guest service manager play a vital role in success of hotel....
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