Essays on Human Body

Blood: Function And Components

The main topic of this paper is blood and its purpose in the human body. Blood is an important element in order to function in life. Blood circulates into the blood and supplies the cells of the body with essential resources such as oxygen and nutrients. It also takes oxidative waste products away within the...
1276 Words 3 Pages

Skin Bleaching: Definition And It's Role In Modern Society

Colorism is a form of prejudice or discrimination in which people are treated differently based on the social meanings attached to skin color. This social and economic construct was derived from the colonial rule of Jamaica during the 1800s. Because of rule newspapers depicted Europe’s idea of beauty and what was socially acceptable or desired....
1302 Words 3 Pages

Features Of Adolescent Brain

The ways in which teenagers behave is partially affected by their peers. Teenagers are unlikely to make decisions on their own, and this is due to their brain pattern changing and maturing. Adolescence is a period of time in a teenagers’ brain whereby significant growth and development occurs. During this period of time, changes such...
1238 Words 3 Pages

Issues Of Black Skin People

These references given by Fanon make us sure that Blacks were very insecure about their position and identity in the society that’s the reason they wanted to get married to a white person so as to get rid of their race and can experience the same power and superiority like whites . The term hybridity...
1757 Words 4 Pages

Blood Pressure: Definition Of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a disease that affects the heart or blood vessels (NHS,2020). Several risk factors lead to CVD and one of them is high blood pressure and therefore, every person should be aware of the risk that comes with high blood pressure and how to get it under control. For further help and...
556 Words 1 Page

Immune System: General Characteristics

Organisms are connected in a complex web of relationships. Although many of these are benign, not all are, and everything alive devotes significant resources to identifying and neutralizing threats from other species. From bacteria through to primates, the presence of some kind of effective immune system has gone with evolutionary success. The problems that the...
2208 Words 5 Pages

Immune System And Anorexia

The immune system is weakened due to the emphasis that the neuroendocrine system has on it. Most studies have been on the neuroendocrine system. The neuroendocrine system controls the hormones balances within the body which affect the production of leukocytes. Patients with anorexia have severe hormone imbalances due to the lack of nutrition and this...
487 Words 1 Page

Nutrition Strategies For A Strong Immune System

Nutrition Strategies For A Strong Immune System Keep your overall energy intake at maintenance level or above To keep your immune system functioning at its best, make sure you eat enough energy to meet all your body needs. If you cut your food intake, by reducing calories, you might deprive your immune system of energy...
611 Words 1 Page

Homeostasis And Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative condition globally (Soukup, Vanhauwaert, & Verstreken, 2018). It is caused by the preferential degradation of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, part of the midbrain, causing dysfunctions such as rigidity, postural instability and tremors (Bisaglia, Greggio, Beltramini, & Bubacco, 2013). Studies have...
1501 Words 3 Pages

Negative Effect On Metabolism

According to an article from Gizmodo, entitled “A Common Preservative in Cheese and Bread Could Negatively Affect Our Metabolism,” certain types of preservative found in our everyday lifestyle food can have a negative effect on our metabolism. In the recent years, researchers have been mindfully cautioning about the damages that specific nourishment added substances may...
474 Words 1 Page
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