Essays on Human Impact

Water Pollution: Concept Map Showing Pollutants

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back where it was. – Toni Morrison. It can never be the same again. For centuries we have been plagued with one of the most serious disasters of all times. It has disturbed one of our most useful natural resources and is causing...
1855 Words 4 Pages

Water Pollution: Sources, Consequences And Protective Measures

In Encyclopedia of Marine Science, Robert Glynne, writes about water pollution affects the planet. The article is mainly about people, government agencies and communities throwing, projecting wastes and other polluting substances in water. These toxic substances affect plants and marine animals, but it also affects people. Glynne tell as pollution affects all forms of water...
463 Words 1 Page

Impact Of Plastic On Marine Life

Is plastic killing marine life? There is nearly four hundred million tons of plastic in our oceans but only two hundred and forty-six thousand ton of plastic is on the surface. In this essay i wasn’t to uncover the effects plastic is having on our oceans and what is being done to try prevent this...
1219 Words 3 Pages

Assessing Effects Of Human Development Activities On Conservation Of Roan Antelopes Of Ruma National Park

Abstract This study is to be undertaken in Ruma national park, a highly productive but less recognized protected area located to the western side of Kenya. The park is about 120km2 in area situated in the floor of Lambwe valley between Gwasi and Kanyamwa escarpments. This place is the home of locally endangered roan antelopes...

Causes Of Water Pollution To Human Health

In this developing era, industrialization and agriculturalization are increasing rapidly to provide a better life for human beings. However, water resources had been extremely affected by global development and human activities. Pollutants in water are altering the characteristics of the water in every aspect and adversely affecting the lives inside as well as outside the...
1227 Words 3 Pages

Deforestation As One Of The Remarkably Significant Issues Of Our Time

Deforestation is one of the remarkably significant issues of our time; a considerable portion is essential to be taken to avoid further despoiling of our unique tree plantation resource. Deforestation disturb each one of individual life in the planet and at the amount, it is going could destroy almost everything that people have. Human activity...
1064 Words 2 Pages

Oil Spill: Positive And Negative Implications Of Oleo Sponge

Introduction Oil spills, caused by damaged tankers, pipelines, or offshore oil rigs can cause sudden or long-term environmental damages that can last for years. Some main effects of oil spills are that it kills marine mammals. Oil can clog the blowholes of whales and dolphins, not allowing them to breathe properly and disrupting their ability...
885 Words 2 Pages

Human Activities Which Cause Air Pollution

Carl McDaniel and John Gowdy (2000) say, “Our world civilization and its global economy are based on beliefs incompatible with enduring habitation of the earth; that everything has been put on earth for our use, that resource not used to meet our needs wasted and that resources are unlimited.” Pollution is a common matter of...
1159 Words 3 Pages
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