Essays on Human Resource Management

Challenges In Employee Retention Post Merger & Acquisition In India

Abstract India is a developing country where organizations are diversifying their portfolio and expanding businesses either by acquiring or merging with similar entities. Organizations are doing merger and acquisition as a growth strategy but employees do not accept this strategy easily, most the employees view such strategy as a threat for their career. The purpose...
2879 Words 6 Pages

Study On Employee Attrition &retention At Universal Express Co

Abstract With rapid increase seen in the Attrition level of employees across different sectors; retention of employees has become one of the important factors known to be crucial for the development and the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives therefore seen as a vital source of competitive advantage for any organization. This study attempted...
1743 Words 4 Pages

Employee Engagement Activities: A Study Of Select Information Technology (IT) Companies In Pune City

Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards his organization and its values. It is a measureable degree of an employee’s positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn & perform at work. Employee engagement has a direct impact on...
2000 Words 4 Pages

Problems With Dress Code: Is My Dress Inappropriate Or Your Mind

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, who had an interview for an educator position in an all-boys Secondary School in Mauritius. She was telling me about how her interview and everything went, but there was something about the teachers’ dress code she mentioned that didn’t sit right with me. We’ve all...
1316 Words 3 Pages
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