Essays on Humanities

Science And Humanities: Re-Humanising Mankind

The comparison of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee, allows us to explore the seemingly irreconcilable relationship between science and the humanities. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, scientist Victor Frankenstein, in an attempt at originality, brings the dead to life and creates something perceivably inhumane and monstrous. The monster...
1034 Words 2 Pages

The Study Of Humanities: My Future Career

I remember sitting down to have a talk with my parents. No, not that talk, but it sure was just as awkward. The one about… college. The talk in which my mother said: “I’ll never choose a career path for my children. It’s their responsibility to choose which medical school they’ll graduate from.” Thanks, mom;...
875 Words 2 Pages

The Difference Between Art And Humanities

First, we must know the difference between art and humanities. Art is when someone expresses a feeling, idea, or image. On the other hand, humanities is a study of humans and understanding the culture, religion, history, etc. in every art there is a message and it has a meaning to it. When I look at...
532 Words 1 Page
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