Ibogaine In The Treatment Of Drug Addiction

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Addiction treatment is a set of measures aimed at stopping the use of the drug and eliminating physical and mental dependence on the psychoactive substance or at reducing doses of the drug. This process is very difficult, not only for addicts themselves, but also for their relatives. Moreover, this applies both to the material component, and the moral.

One of the modern methods of treatment for drug addiction is a comprehensive ibogaine therapy. The scientific studies of Dr. Deborah Mash (University of Miami, USA) and Howard Lotsof confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of ibogaine, in the absence of toxicity to the body, which served as an impetus for its clinical use in several countries around the world, especially in Mexico and Canada, where addicted people come for treatment USA. The unique properties of ibogaine to relieve dependence at the same time on the physical and psychological level are widely discussed in the scientific literature as a breakthrough in the field of drug addiction treatment.

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Dr. Deborah Mash believes that the Ibogaine molecule is completely unique. The effect of Ibogaine on the human mind, brain, desire to take drugs, withdrawal symptoms is so different from what we know about other substances that Ibogaine should be considered as a separate substance that does not belong to any class of known psychotropic drugs.

Reference: Ibogaine is an indole alkaloid found mainly in plants of the Kutrovy family (Apocynaceae). The most famous ibogain-containing plant is iboga (Tabernanthe iboga). In addition to ibogaine, the plant contains 11 more alkaloids. Ibogi extract has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine and the initiation rites of the Bwiti tribes. In high concentrations, the plant is used for ritual purposes by shamans to communicate with spirits. Iboga is used in the ceremony of initiation into the men of the Bwiti tribe. Chewing root in small quantities is widespread among Aboriginal people. The iboga stimulating sexual activity is also noted.

Ibogaine acts on several neurotransmitter systems. It inhibits the reuptake of serotonin from the synaptic cleft, is an opiate receptor antagonist. There is also evidence of stimulation of the synthesis of neuropeptides that block the craving for alcohol. Ibogaine has been shown to be highly effective in treating psychological disorders and addictions to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and other narcotic substances.

Potential patients for ibogaine therapy should undergo several informal interviews and tests to find out if he or she is fully aware of the following information about ibogaine treatment:

that ibogaine is a means of detoxification, and that although it can help overcome the urge to use drugs again (for some period), as well as help a person understand why he began to “use”, it doesn’t matter whether the individual remains addicted or not – Depends only on himself. As a rule, drug addicts who think ibogaine is simply something that should “cure them” rarely succeed in therapy.

that ibogaine is an experimental drug that does not have the status of a licensed drug in any country in the western world, and that there are other methods to overcome addiction.

that in connection with ibogaine treatment, several deaths occurred, therefore, therapy is associated with a certain level of risk, although after proper medical research its degree is minimized. In particular, anyone with any cardiac problem should be very careful with ibogaine.

Much attention should be paid to the mental state of the patient. Persons showing signs of a serious mental disorder should not be allowed into therapy.

Interviews and tests can be done at drug treatment centers or at private doctors.

Ibogaine treatment requirements include tests (usually ECG, liver and kidney function) to identify contraindications. The effective and safe use of Ibogaine requires compliance with medical dosage parameters and medical supervision. Improper use of the drug can be fatal.

Treatment should be carried out in a calm and relaxed environment so that the patient does not feel anxiety. Particular attention should be paid to noise and light insulation, since ibogaine causes increased sensitivity to bright lighting and sounds. The therapeutic session lasts up to 36 hours. Typically, the effect of the drug begins after 30 minutes. Further, the effect develops within two hours.

Side effects of ibogaine:

  • Impaired coordination;
  • Muscle ataxia;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting

The combination of ibogaine and drugs for the treatment of mental illness is strictly prohibited. There are known deaths from the use of ibogaine associated with the failure of the respiratory and heart organs. Ibogaine is not compatible with products that contain bergamot oil, such as grapefruit juice.

During therapy, there is a deliverance from physical cravings for drugs, withdrawal symptoms are completely relieved. At the same time, memories of the psychological causes that led to drug addiction are released from the subconscious, there is a rethinking of values and the formation of motivation for life without bad habits.

In cases where the treatment was successful, but the patient begins to feel like taking drugs a few weeks after ibogaine, a second session is possible. Nevertheless, it is advisable to withstand a month between “trips” – this will reduce the risk of determining the dose, since the metabolites of the drug can remain in the body during this period of time.

Melatonin and B vitamins are very useful after therapy. Some patients believe that they help maintain the effect of ibogaine.

But ibogaine alone cannot guarantee complete freedom from drugs after its use. It all depends on the patient’s desire to stay clean. Of course, ibogaine is a powerful medicine, but if after therapy a person returns to his previous lifestyle, does not change his social circle, does not seek pleasure in life, and not in drugs, the problems with addiction will not disappear.

If the patient nevertheless decided to return to drugs, then in no case should you start with the dose that was before taking ibogaine, since it ‘dumps’ many brain functions associated with use, and therefore the risk of overdose and death increases.

The legislative prohibition of ibogaine significantly complicates the conduct of scientific research of possible therapeutic actions. There is no theoretical basis for the widespread medical use of ibogaine today.

Ibogaine is completely banned from circulation in the United States since 1972, and later in most other countries, including Russia. Today, scientific medical research of ibogaine is carried out in Canada and Mexico, New Zealand, Germany.

Several countries – Panama, Costa Rica and St. Kitts – have made ibogaine treatment official and affordable in private clinics for about $ 10,000. Unlicensed medical clinics in Mexico and Europe offer treatment a little cheaper. 


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