Essays on Immanuel Kant

Approaches To International Security: Kant, Smith, And Gartzke

Kant, Smith, and Gartzke Immanuel Kant was a liberalist. He rejected the idea that peacetime was simply a period of time during which countries worked on how to best use violence to their advantage. Instead, he established the Kantian tripod or the three conditions required for peacetime. The three conditions were “republican constitutions,” “commercial spirit”...
654 Words 1 Page

The Concept Of Peace And Security: Machiavelli Versus Kant

Machiavelli, core concept of “the prince “, highlights the impracticality of maintaining successful governance of a state with constantly acting in a way that is under other circumstances morally correct. Thus, to maintain peace and security, in chapter 5 of ‘the prince’, he mentioned that, the prince, particularly a new prince, should not observe all...

Mill And Kant’s Perspectives On Morality: Comparative Analysis

John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant both have very different perspectives when it comes to morality. Mill argues against Kant’s assertion that moral force is driven by a specific obligation, and Kant disagrees with Mill’s theory of utilitarianism. In contrast, Mill argues that an action is deemed right or wrong based off the consequences of...
1597 Words 4 Pages

Kant’s Humanity Formula of Humanity: Critical Analysis

Introduction Immanuel Kant argued that morality is rationality known as Categorical Imperative. Kant characterized the CI as an objective that we have to constantly observe in spite of any herbal needs or inclinations we may have to the contrary. All precise ethical requirements, in accordance to Kant, are justified by using this principle, which capacity...
1687 Words 4 Pages

Bentham’s and Kant’s Views on Euthanasia

The role of happiness in solving moral problems has been a topic argued by many philosophers. They have sought to understand whether it is the consequences or the motives of actions that truly matter in morality. Jeremy Bentham and Immanuel Kant both have demonstrated their own views in regards to this concept. Each philosopher follows...
1389 Words 3 Pages
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