Importance Of Communication Skill In Humans Life

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Communication is by far the most important thing for everyday life as we use it to communicate with others. It would help us pass on the information to one person to another. To see how it is fundamental the urge to communicate you just have to watch a baby observing the mouth of his mother and would start trying to communicate just like her. Communication is in other words transferring information from one place to another. It does not have to be vocally but it can also be used as written sing printed or digital such as magazines, books, websites or emails, visually which would be using the logos maps, charts, graphs or else the non- verbally which would be using language, gestures and the tone of voice. 

When developing your communication skills it can be of great help in all aspects of your life, from whatever professional life you have, to gathering events and everything in between. The ability to communicate should never be overlooked as it is a vital life skill. You can always have the opportunity to improve your communication skills no matter how old you are and by doing so you would notice how well it improves your quality of life. If you are applying for a professional job or looking for a promotion in your current work area you will most likely need to show good communication skills. When communicating with a wide variety of people you need to maintain good eye contact, illustrate a various wide range of vocabulary and tailor the language to your listeners, listen effectively, introducing your ideas accordingly, write clear and concisely and work well in your assigned group. Many employers seek for these kinds of skills. In our personal life good communication skills will improve our personal relationships by helping us understand others, and to be understood. Any failure in talking would be blamed for any breakdown of a number of partnerships and relationships but the capability to listen is also an important aspect. Good communication skills can advance the way you go through things in life smoothing your way in your relationships with others. Whereas poor communication skills can be the creation of a sour relationship from business to personal, this will make your life significally harder. 

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Some people can catch up quickly to how communication works without the need of trying. They would be able to adapt to their language, strengthen and message their audience, and get straight to the point in a way that is heard without stuttering or any other interruptions. They can also be able to pick up the message that was sent to them quickly that leads to understanding both of what it is said and what has not been said. To many people this may seem uncomplicated but any chances would be that they have spent plenty of time honing their skills. Along the path, they will have probably also developed a good understanding of themselves. Which is what would be called self-awareness and even the habits of reflecting on success and failure, let alone the actions that have led to something or the other. Interpersonal skills are skills in which we use when we are engaged in a face to face communication with one or more other people. It is not just about what it will be actually said meaning the language used but how it is said and the non-verbal messages in which are sent through the tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language. When not one but more people are in the same place and are aware of each other’s presence then the communication would be taking place no matter if it is subtle or unintentional. Without any speech the observer can be using cues of postures, facial expressions and will dress to create an impression of the others roles, emotional attitude, character or intentions. 

Through no communication may be intended people will receive messages through such form of non- verbal behaviors. A lot of research was done to try and break down the interpersonal communication onto a number of elements in order to be easily understood to others these elements include the communicators and that there should be at least two people involved. You would easily think that communication involves a sender and a receiver of a message. Although the problem in this is the way of seeing a relationship is that it presents communication as a one way process where one person sends the message and the others receive it. An example would be when that one person is talking the other one is listening. Indeed the communications are approximately always complex two way processes with the people sending and receiving messages to and from each other at the same time. This meant that communication is an interactive process. When one person is talking the other is listening but while it listens at the same time they are also sending feedback in a form of a smile, head nods etc. Another one of the elements include the message this will not only use the speech or that the information is conveyed but the non-verbal message will be also exchanged like facial expressions, tone of voice gestures and body language. The non-verbal behaviors might convey additional information about the spoken messages. In precise, it can reveal more about the emotional attitudes which may highlight the content of speech. The next example would be noise that has a special meaning in the communication theory which refers to anything that distorts the message so that when it is received it is different from what it is intended by who’s talking. Whereas physical noise can interrupt with communication other factors will be considered as noise. Using inappropriate body language, inattention, cultural differences and disinterest will be considered as noise in the interpersonal communication context. Which means that any type of distortions or inconsistencies that has occurred during and attempt to communicate can be seen as the noise.

Interpersonal skills are skills in which we use in our everyday life can be both individually or in groups. This includes a wide range of skills nevertheless noticeable communication skills as listening and effective speaking. They also include the ability to control and manage your emotions. There is no misjudgment in saying that the interpersonal skills are the foundation for future success in life. People who have strong interpersonal skills turn out into being able to work well with other people which includes in teams or groups, formally and informally. Their communication would be effective with others whether it involves their family, friends, work colleagues, clients or customers. Not only that but they will have a better relationship at home and at work. Interpersonal skills can be improved by the development of awareness of how you interact with others and practicing your skills. Interpersonal skills are referred to as social skills, people skills, soft skills or life skills. Therefore this includes communication skills which cover verbal communication, non-verbal communication, listening skills, team-work, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution and mediation, negation, persuasion and influencing skills, problem solving and decision-making. 

None of us live in a bubble that’s why interpersonal skills matter for all of us. We are interacting with people every day. This will be particularly important as to when you are able to give and receive feedback effectively with your partner which can help to resolve small problems between you before it will become an even bigger issue. There are then those people who spend more time with their colleagues then their partners. When you are at work you would be required to communicate with and interact with a big range of people from suppliers to the clients through your colleagues, their field, the team and the manger. The ability for you to do it effectively can make a difference between a successful working life and one that was pent wondering what they did wrong. The ones like the customer facing roles such as sales and customer relations management would be likely to be better in interpersonal skills as a pre-requisite. Although there would be quite a few number of other roles that are less obvious jobs and careers where the interpersonal skills are also vitally important. Which include healthcare provision including doctors, nurses, and any other healthcare professionals. Having the ability to listen, talk to the patents and their family is a crucial skill as being able to give out the bad news in a sensitive way. We can take these skills lightly in healthcare professionals but we know that it would come to a point where it would be really devastating when situations like professionals having poor skills and fail to communicate effectively can be. Another job in which interpersonal skill is important would be the financial advice and brokerage which would need to have the ability to listen carefully to their customers and understand what they are saying and even in what they are not articulating. This would enable them to provide some recommendations that will match their clients’ needs. 

There are basic steps in which this should be done in order to improve the interpersonal skills which is to first improve to develop the knowledge of yourself and your weakness you can even find help from others to identify the weakness you didn’t notice before. Focusing on your basic communication skills which some would even go as far as to have suggested that there is as reason to why you have two ears and one mouth and that means that you should listen twice as much as you talk. You would need to be confident in your basic listening and verbal and non-verbal communication skills to improve a more advances communication skills like becoming more effective in the way you speak or understanding why you may be having communication problems. Some problems that may be seen as communication barriers are the physical barriers which mean being unable to see or hear the speaker properly, emotional barriers such as not wanting be hear what is being said, expectations and prejudices and this effects on what people see and hear. In a conversation there can be emotion and change that can make your conversation difficult. There can be a emotions that can get in your way when communicating which includes anger and aggression or even stress. 

Then there are the difficult conversations that are often about the need for change. Many people will find it hard to manage it especially if it will be associated with an indirect criticism of existing ways of working. The interpersonal skills may can be about on how you could relate to others but this will start form you. This means that the people will likely be drawn by you if you have the ability to maintain and show a positive attitude which also means having more self-confidence. There are a number of opportunities where we could use the interpersonal skills. Knowing that you are putting yourself in those situations, practicing your skills, and then reflecting on the outcomes it will surely help you improve. 

These examples can be that interpersonal skills are essential when working in a group, they may be really helpful if you would need to negotiate and influence other people. Resolving in the conflict scenarios that can be a real test of the interpersonal skills and finally will be the problem solving and decision making that are usually better when it could involve more than one person. The finale element into which can help is reflecting on your experiences and improving. Developing your interpersonal skills is to develop the habit of self-reflection. Taking the time you need to reflect about the conversation and the interactions will surely help you to learn from your mistakes and your success this will continue to develop. It would be helpful if a diary is kept or a learning journal so you can write in it every day.


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