Essays on Industry

Cosmetology Industry Is My Choice

The pathway that I am currently in is cosmetology, the cosmetology industry is very diverse in the services that it provides. As of right now makeup and cosmetics are the most popular among younger ages and certain problems have started to arise involving cosmetic products. The biggest problem cosmetic companies are facing right now is...
856 Words 2 Pages

Shopping Mall Experience

1. Introduction Shopping is an intriguing activity that customers undertake every day in retail shops, supermarkets, shopping malls, and other open markets. It should be noted that customer experience can negatively or positively impact the business since it determines whether the customer will return. Shopping mall experience, just like other businesses, takes into consideration the...
1984 Words 4 Pages

E-commerce: Features, Advantages And Business Models

Introduction The history of commerce can be best described as the history of civilisation. It is understood that man’s wants are few and simple but they are limited to his physical existence such as food clothing and shelter. Man constantly advances in his scale of intelligence and therefore his wants tend to increase and his...
1912 Words 4 Pages

Important Issues In Global E-commerce

Day by day E-commerce is becoming popular in the field of business. And internet has become the most popular market place for trade. It can be defined as follows: Definitions Of E-Commerce • Qualitative and narrow definitions: E-commerce can be defined as purchasing and selling of goods or services through internet. As it is a...
942 Words 2 Pages

Online Shopping: Advantages And Disadvantages

Technology advances definitely make our life easier and more convenient. With the help of the Internet, people can do a lot of things without going out, like paying bills, watching movies, study online and so on. Among those, the most attractive one for people is doing shopping online. While online shopping does have many advantages,...
418 Words 1 Page

Pharmacy as My Future Career

My desire to study Pharmacy has stemmed from my love of Science and my eagerness to help others. Encountering pharma development in AS Biology sparked my interest in the research that goes into developing a drug. For example, research into combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria. To further support my interest in Pharmacy, I began to read articles...
1321 Words 3 Pages

Pharmacy As My Passion To Pursue

My passion to pursue pharmacy began during my early years of high school. The science of dispensing medicine, facilitating the required drug information and assessing the pharmaceutical drugs appeared to me as an interesting profession.  This interest was further boosted by the fact that biological sciences and mathematics were among the lessons that I loved...
673 Words 1 Page

Pharmacy: My Reasons To Choose This Sphere

My interest in pharmacy derives from my desire to help others and have an active role in the community, where I can work to directly improve the welfare of people around me. Visiting my family’s rural village in a developing country like Pakistan throughout my life and seeing a simple, albeit much needed, pharmacy open...
640 Words 1 Page

Importance Of Construction Industry

The construction industry is an enabler. It provides projects which enable people to go about their day to day lives. Whether it be huge infrastructure projects, like the Heathrow Expansion to support the UK aviation presence on the worldwide stage; new office projects in central London, like 22 Bishopsgate, for UK’s leading position as a...
1540 Words 3 Pages
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