Influence of Domestic Violence: Article Analysis and Case Study

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1. Introduction

1.1 Hypothesis

Domestic violence can have a huge impact on a person. Both the perpetrators and victims or bystanders who have witnessed the violence have some influence. In particular, children who witness or experience domestic violence are greatly affected. They will be influenced by this shadow in their personality, the way they get along with people, and even the worldview.

1.2 Abstract

After choosing the topic, I first read several articles about domestic violence. Then I interviewed a woman who had witnessed domestic violence as a child and suffered domestic violence from her husband. Combining the article with the actual case, I found that domestic violence has a variety of impacts on each of them. The most significant influences are children.

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1.3 Definition

Intimate partner violence (IPV): Intimate partner violence (IPV) is domestic violence by a current or former spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner. IPV can take a number of forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic and sexual abuse.

Learning helplessness: Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try — even when opportunities for change become available.

1.4 Literature Review

Domestic violence is very common. Mostly hidden, intimate partner violence is also a form of domestic violence. Child abuse, sibling bullying or elderly abuse is a form of domestic violence that people do not want to see. In addition to physical brutality, people are more likely to ignore non-physical psychological abuse. It is difficult to have a comprehensive definition of domestic violence, and most domestic violence occurs in domestic privacy. It is therefore difficult to measure the prevalence of social problems when measuring domestic violence. Researchers found that among adolescents with violent parental adolescents, young people had a higher incidence of aggressive and criminal behavior. Gina Stepp said, “In research, interpersonal violence in the domestic environment of adults has been referred to as ‘domestic violence’, ‘marital abuse’ or ‘spouse abuse’.”(Stepp, G. (2010). Family and Relationships Family Violence.) Studying intimate partner violence is more common in cohabiters than in married couples. Women are more frequently injured in intimate partner violence, are more vulnerable to physical and sexual assault, and are more likely to be murdered. This difference is primarily that women’s fears often include the safety of children and other family members, as well as fear of homelessness, and retaliation if she intends to leave the perpetrator. Child abuse is also an important component of domestic violence. Many of them have grown up on mental and emotional issues plagued by domestic violence, leading to high-risk and criminal behavior. Parents of child abuse often have developed this special pattern of human interaction, just like other patterns of behavior. Therefore, strong links between children and families, as well as with healthy communities, need to put an end to domestic violence.

For many children, the stress of domestic violence is manifested physically. Headaches, stomach pains, changes in appetite, insomnia, nightmares, bedwetting and other sleep problems are common among children who abuse their families. Children who witness violence between adult caregivers may feel fear, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, inability to control their emotions, and a sense of suicide. Behaviorally, children who have experienced domestic violence may lose their temper, become sticky, withdraw, overreact to the situation, and fall back to earlier behaviors, such as thumb sucking. And teens may skip school or use drugs and alcohol. Become distrustful and unwilling to make connections when your child gets along with peers. Children who suffer violence from their parents are more likely to form abusive relationships with others when they grow up. Because the child suffers from domestic violence and does not have enough sleep to concentrate or concentrate on school, the child will blame what happened in their parents’ lives. They may put a lot of pressure on themselves.

I learned that children may experience domestic violence in many ways. Most children who experience domestic violence can recover and recover from their experiences. The main method is to build a strong relationship with a caring, non-violent parent. Such parents can improve their children’s sense of family security, help them build relationships with other supporting adults, and encourage children to participate in activities that make them happy and proud. There are many ways for children and parents who have experienced domestic violence to ask for help. For example, call the police, ask for help from your local community or local protective services. Children experiencing domestic violence may have misconceptions that they may consider harming behavior to be part of intimacy or love. With a little more love in society, these victims of domestic violence can embrace a healthy future.

Another article, Zoë Krupka showed us a vocabulary ‘learning helplessness’ with a dog experiment at the beginning. This vocabulary tells us the helplessness of victims after domestic violence. Clinical psychologist Sallee McLaren uses this theory to show that half of the responsibility for domestic violence lies with the victim. (Krupka, Z. (2016, February 18). Blaming victims for domestic violence: how psychology taught us to be helpless.) Therapists who support women in situations of domestic violence need to be disconnected from their psychology as they need to point to broader issues and provide women with health and safety. To do this, the therapist must relearn women’s rights and men’s rights. Women who have experienced violence are different from women who have not experienced violence. The main difference is that one has been humiliated and betrayed and has a sense of distrust of others. At the end of the article, Zoë Krupka expressed that the victims of contemporary domestic violence must not flinch. Go forward bravely and do better.

2. Method

2.1 Sample group

She/he has experienced domestic violence.

She/he can calmly face this history of domestic violence.

She/he had witnessed or experienced domestic violence as a child.

She/he was willing to accept my interview and allows me to use it in my dissertation.

2.2 Instruments used

Laptop and Internet

2.3 Produce

Find a suitable interviewee.

Make interview questions for her.

Conduct an interview.

Organize the interview.

Conclusion based on interview.

3. Results


  • How long has the domestic violence continued?
  • Describe the past two years of life.
  • When was the first domestic violence? For what reason?
  • Why did you forgive him after the first domestic violence?
  • Have you ever thought about releasing through a channel like an alarm?What keeps you upholding these years?
  • What made you choose to ask the police for help?
  • Do you think that the domestic violence of fathers against mothers as a child has affected later life?

This is the true story around my friend. The protagonist of this story is Yuan. Yuan has been married for more than ten years, and her marriage makes her miserable. Yuan’s husband often turned her back on her, and later even fisted up and fought. For her husband’s violent behavior, Yuan always gave in to forbearance. Whenever she could not bear it, she ran away from home, and her husband went mad to find her. After finding her, he cried every time, beating himself and not apologizing to Yuan. He begged Yuan not to leave himself, saying that he would not be able to live without her. Yuan believes that her husband still loves himself deeply and forgave him every time, and followed him home. But not long after, her husband was violent to her again. Therefore, in the past few years, Yuan spent her husband’s beating and abusing-apologizing-abusing and apologizing-apologizing again and again.

Yuan’s life would fall into a closed loop. My friend told me that this situation can be explained by the theory that there is a ‘psychological game’ in psychology.When Yuan’s husband insulted and beat her as a “persecutor”, she obediently became a “victim” of surrender. When Yuan left the house, her husband dressed up as a “victim” again, saying that if Yuan left him, he would not be able to survive. Yuan obediently jumped to the position of “savior” and became her husband’s “savior ”.

After deep understanding, I know that Yuan’s father also has a strong tendency to violence.Her father also treated her mother in the same way. Yuan had received bad hints from her parents’ life and formed such a mentality.

Judging from this case, family violence will not only have a bad impact on the victim. Witnessing family violence has the same negative effects on children as physical violence against them. People like Yuan are not in the minority. They watched others being abused or being abused by others. This left indelible harm on their young minds. As a result, when they grew up, they also affected their personality. Now Yuan is because her father beat her mother when she was a child. Yuan grew up in such a fear, which also led to the fact that it was impossible to fight back against domestic violence in Yuan’s mind. In her shallow consciousness, a woman would endure domestic violence from her husband. If she resists, she will be beaten more severely than her mother.

4. Discussion

Gina Stepp mentioned that women are more frequently injured in intimate partner violence. However, I found that the frequency of men being violent has begun to rise gradually. Many boys on the Internet can’t bear their girlfriends or wives to add their fists in life and stand out to ask netizens for help. Many cases have shown that boys and girls have the same chances of standing as perpetrators. Of course, when Gina Stepp wrote the article, women were indeed more vulnerable to violence than men. At the same time, I strongly agree with Gina Stepp that in addition to physical brutality, people are more likely to ignore non-physical psychological abuse. Because most domestic violence happens in family privacy. Ten years after the writing of Gina Stepp, many countries have introduced detailed anti-domestic violence laws. Some psychological abuses that could not be clearly defined at the time can now have clear legal regulations. Domestic violence is now a social issue that the country attaches importance to. Although some behaviors are still difficult to define, there will be more laws in the future that can better regulate this issue. Finally, domestic violence mentioned by Gina Stepp is related to the acceptance of violence in the neighborhood where they live. For example, everyone in the A community thinks that it is okay for you to push me or push you. It is considered a symbol of good relations. The B community believes that everyone must have some measure of each other, and even if the relationship is very good, you can’t slap each other casually. Well, in these two communities, the husband and wife of the same couple ignored his wife and slapped her hard because of the bad mood, and the same person’s psychological cognition would be different at that moment. In community A, neither couple will take this matter to heart; in community B, the couple may divorce because of this matter.

Tamekia Reece tells us that the impact of domestic violence on children can be manifested in many ways, physically: headaches, stomach pains, insomnia, nightmares, etc. In spirit: fear, anxiety, depression, inability to control one’s emotions, and a sense of suicide. In terms of behavior, children who have experienced domestic violence may lose their temper, become sticky, and shrink back. Teenagers may skip school or use drugs and alcohol. Parent-violent children are more likely to develop abusive relationships with others when they grow up. Like my interviewees, when she was violently treated by her husband at first, she felt that women would endure such encounters and felt that she could not escape the devastation of domestic violence.

Another article expresses that many behaviors are domestic violence for children. I feel that some behaviors are inevitable for children to see. It is not always possible to put children in the greenhouse, but also to show some bad aspects of this society like children. For example, everyone is emotionally incapable. Not everyone is moving around the child alone, and the child has to think from the perspective of others. But let your children know that their parents love them, and give them a sense of security and self-confidence. There are many expressions of love in the world to them, and in the future, they will reap a lot of love, between friends, between teachers and students, and between classmates. Everyone is equal and there is no distinction between high and low. The task of parents is to help children establish the correct outlook on life, values, and the world.

Zoë Krupka’s experiments with dogs showed readers that victims of domestic violence can become as difficult as learning dogs to learn new skills. I think this is possible because the victims of domestic violence are violently opposed by someone they trust, just like the dog in the experiment. After being trapped in a ‘cage’ and ignoring unforeseen and uncontrollable pain, they Eventually they gave up their attempt to escape and even opened their ‘cage door.’ But I don’t think it is a label for people who have been harmed in domestic violence. Learned helplessness should be a reason for us to help them, a starting point for tolerance.

From my interview, it can be seen that childhood witnesses of domestic violence can leave a child with a profound shadow and give them an indelible impression. These subconscious minds may not be noticed in daily life, but they are revealed in every bit of behavior. Just witnessing the occurrence of domestic violence has such serious consequences, how great the impact of those children who are truly domestic violence, and how much the shadow of childhood will have on their behavior. Fortunately, many countries now attach great importance to the protection of adolescents’ mental and physical health. The number of cases of domestic violence is gradually decreasing after the introduction of various policies. It is hoped that such incidents will be reported less and less shortly.


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