Essays on International Business

Trade War Between US And China And Its Implications On The Global Economy

In today’s 21st century, global economy is driven with severe competitions amongst ambitious countries where there prevails major economic conflict amongst each other. The world-wide economic activity among these countries that are inter-related and adversely affect each other’s economic status. In the past few decades, we can witness clash of different nations with regard on...
1563 Words 3 Pages

International Trade Policies And Regulations

1.1. International Policy & Environmental Regulations International policy and the environment do not always go “hand-in-hand”. There are so many obstacles to consider. Most international trade deals generally collapse before they have even begun. This is due to environmental concerns. A recent trade deal attempt was between India. Although India needed the Barley for their...
2189 Words 5 Pages

The Importance Of Culture In International Business

The word ‘Culture’ is a complex word of the English Dictionary encompassing vast and diverse meanings. According to one source, it is defined as, ‘The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people…’ (Cambridge Dictionary 2018). Hence the culture of a society, community or a group serves as...
1737 Words 4 Pages

Challenges Of Running An International Business

International business encircles all the commercial activities that are done to promote the transfer of goods, resources, ideas, services, people and technologies across national borders. It is one of the most dominant styles of doing business in this competitive world. People see its manifestations all around them, from McDonald’s golden arches in a Chinese city...
1895 Words 4 Pages

Globalization And Marginalization Of Least Developed Economies

The economic dependency and integration of the world economy has seen tremendous growth in recent years and has been a powerful catalyst to growth. This has been driven by increasing international trade where the world economies have opened their borders to allow movement of goods between domestic and global regions. The extent to which international...
1512 Words 3 Pages

US Versus China: Trade War

This ‘trade war’ has drastically changed trade patterns around the world and has inspired protests from many industries in both the US and China. The tariffs affect consumers through two major avenues: a rise in prices for consumer goods and deadweight loss in the economy. Consumers have not yet dealt with the price increase directly,...

Disney’s Global Practices And Obstacles In Expanding Its Business To Different Regions

Globalization is a position in which available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world. It is the expansion of a domestic company to an international one. When economies become more connected to each other, opportunities increase so as competitions. To secure their positions, they need...

Fishing Industry In Costa Rica

The Republic of Costa Rica is based in Central America in between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It shares boarders with the neighbouring countries of Panama and Nicaragua. The land size of the country is 51,100 square kilometers that is mostly used for agriculture, specifically coffee and bananas. With today’s population growing to...
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