Essays on Internet

Internet Of Things: Layers And Applications Of IOT

Abstract The IoT is the internet of things the network of devices and appliances contains software, electronics and connectivity. It has 7 layers and architecture. It is used in many ways such as smart home, smart city, smartwatch and etc. Key phrases: IoT, smart cities, smart environment, IoT application, application ranking. Introduction The IoT entails...
1043 Words 2 Pages

Internet Of Things: IOT In Industries And Healthcare

What’s the internet of things? Internet of things is becoming a very frequent topic in our lives because of the huge impact it makes on our lives. So what’s the internet of things (IoT)? basically, the Internet of things is the concept of connecting objects or devices around us to the internet, and by objects,...
1444 Words 3 Pages

Internet Protocols: Functions, Version History And Reliability

Abstract – Stands for ‘Internet Protocol.’ IP provides a standard set of rules for sending and receiving data over the Internet. It allows devices running on different platforms to communicate with each other as long as they are connected to the Internet. In order for an Internet-connected host to be recognized by other devices, it...
1654 Words 4 Pages

Internet: Benefits For Business Development

Introduction There has been increasing in the popularity and economic relevance of social media over recent years as it enables users to share data, information, and media products. There are different social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. that provide technology platforms to establish and multiply relationships between users and organizations through social...
767 Words 2 Pages

Internet: Background And Impact Of World Wide Web

Background In June of 1980, Tim Berners-Lee, an engineer and computer scientist, who was at the time an independent contractor for the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), was tasked with developing a system that would allow particle physicists to be able to share discoveries and various data related to physics within the organization [2][3]....
1649 Words 4 Pages

Ethical And Social Perspectives Of Internet Censorship

Introduction Nowadays, with the rapid development of the internet and technology, there is a lot of illegitimate information on the Internet. such as pornography, violence, infringement of personal privacy, national security. which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on people, especially for children’s physical and mental health. Although there are laws that regulate illegal information...
1446 Words 3 Pages

Characteristics Of Internet Connection Methods

Internet The internet is a system of communication between computer networks that allow information to travel along with different locations. Before connecting to the internet, you must have certain types of hardware and an internet service provider [ISP] who are companies that own servers that are used to access the internet. 3G and 4G These...
2387 Words 5 Pages

Types Of Internet Connections: Wired And Wireless Connections

Wired Connection Wired connection is the connection when you have the device that you are using will be connected using a wire to the WIFI box or whatever it is that you have. This is usually used to have the best internet connection and will ensure that everything loads fast and it will not be...
1596 Words 4 Pages

Internet Of Things (IoT): Garbage Monitoring

Abstract— In the 21st century, the amount of mammoth waste, including household waste is increasing, which poses a threat not only to humanity, but also to the global environment. it’s miles the need of time to are looking for an organized and well-structured. Owing to this, global is moving in the direction of smart systems...

Home Automation Using IOT: A Literature Review

One of the most recent catchwords within the world of technology is internet of Things. In Future internet of things can remodel the important world objects into intelligent virtual objects. The IoT direct to amalgamate everything in our world underneath a standard infrastructure. Current study on IoT that addresses ideas through totally different systematic review...
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