Essays on Interpersonal Relationship

PTSD and Couple Relationships Among Veterans: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Allen, E., Knopp, K., Rhoades, G., Stanley, S., & Markman, H. (2018). Between- and within- subject associations of ptsd symptom clusters and marital functioning in military couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 32(1), 134-144. [bookmark: _Hlk34389355]This article focuses on the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in marriage among military service members. The...
1949 Words 4 Pages

Critical Analysis of Reasons for Divorce in Our Society

Divorce is the termination of a marriage between a couples. It happens after a husband and wife decide not to live together anymore and that they no longer want to be bear the duties and responsibilities of marriage thus dissolving the bonds eventually making them each single again and allow them to marry other people...
978 Words 2 Pages

Role of Technology on Improving Relationship: Analytical Essay

Technology should be vastly beneficial for many since technology plays a big role in people’s everyday lives, technology has to help to communicate to become an easier way of sharing knowledge, helping business grow, and efficaciously improving relationships. The idea that technology is unethical is very well known, although technology has immensely helped communication amongst...

Analysis of Marriages between First-Degree Relatives and the Consequences on Future Generations

This paper will discuss about marriages between firs-degree relatives and the consequences of these cultural practices on future generations of children. Marriages between firs cousins is a common cultural practice among Muslim community and not only. Researchers followed 13776 pregnancies in Bradford and found that 6.1% of children born to first cousins had congenital anomalies...
659 Words 1 Page

The Link of Individual Relationship Status to the Life Satisfaction of the Young Adults

Previous research shows the same results as how relationship status contributes to the life satisfaction. Apparently, relationship status had been regarded as the basis of determining various forms of well-being (Soons & Liefvroer, 2008). Supported by the idea that experiencing intimate relationship is one of the foundations of human motivations ( Spielman et al., 2013)...
654 Words 1 Page

Role of Relationship in Leadership, Organizational Culture and Structure, and Strategic Decision-making

Introduction In perusing and discussing literature on the subject of this study, I paid particular attention to the ideas that tie into the fundamental concepts of this study. Of particular significance to this study, as I considered the need to succeed and achieve set outcomes, were the ideas or postulations which shaped my thinking and...

Building and Sustaining Positive Relationships and Trust with Families: Needs of Students, Parents and Caregivers

Relationships play a vital role in the success of a school and its students. Parents, teachers, principals, faculty, staff, community members and stakeholders can all play a part in the achievement of our students. Henderson (2007) says that “research shows that students whose families are actively involved in their child’s school/education tend to get better...
2322 Words 5 Pages
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