Essays on Interpersonal Relationship

Dissolution of Muslim Marriage: Analytical Essay

Islamically, the termination of a marriage is regarded as the most loathed of permissible acts. It is the last resort when all attempts of saving the marriage have failed, remaining married is leading to discord and enmity, and there is no hope for reconciliation even after appointing arbiters. Both parties are instructed to uphold the...
1298 Words 3 Pages

Loneliness in College: Thematic Analysis of Experience of Creating Friendships in First Year University

Abstract The social transition from college to university can feel lonely and isolating due to the large amount of changes happening, leaving family, their home, and friends. By using a thematic analysis of a semi-structured interview transcript on a first-year university student living in halls, it was found that moving to university can feel like...

Social Pedagogy and Social Work: Case Study of a Child

Social Pedagogy “To teach is to touch a life forever” (Anonymous, n.d.). Kylie is a child of 8 years who lives with foster parents; due to her past experiences, her communication skills are limited, making it difficult for her to build and sustain relationships. Kylie has been subject to sexual abuse and consequently appears to...
2272 Words 5 Pages

Importance of Relationship in Person-Centred Approach: Analytical Essay

The person-centred approach was developed from the work of psychologist Dr Carl Rogers. It is a non-directive approach to being with another; that believes in other’s potential and ability to make the right decisions for themselves, regardless of the therapists’ values, beliefs, and opinions. The individual’s needs, views, and wishes are the main focus. They...
3163 Words 7 Pages

My Mother and Me: Personal Opinion Essay

Personal Essay I knew from early on that something was a little different about my mother. As I grew up, she made all my school lunches, begged me to let her clean my room, and even let me braid her hair despite my poor styling skills. She was always helping me in any way she...
634 Words 1 Page

My Relationships with My Mother: Reflection on Our Life

My academic and personal achievements have profoundly influenced the essence of who I am as a person. All the experiences I have had from school have revolved around my life, which is one of the reasons I am interested in the Early Childhood Education program at UW-Stout. I was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin when...
911 Words 2 Pages
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