Essays on Islam

Ritual Of Ramadan In Islamic Culture

The non-western cultural ritual that I chose to research and write about is Ramadan. This is a ritual that is well known and is practiced by over 1.6 million Muslim people around the world. Specifically in places such as Malaysia, Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. This practice in particular caught my attention due...
1271 Words 3 Pages

Ramadan: Obligatory And Voluntary Fasting

Introduction Humans have an innate yearning to live for something greater than themselves and Islam as a divine religion allows Muslims to achieve just that. Islam expects its adherents to live a life of righteousness while being aware of Allah in every action, behavior, and aspect of their lives. Muslims have been prescribed many obligatory...
1028 Words 2 Pages

Calendrical Ritual Of Ramadan: Description And Traditions

“O you who believe! Observing al-sawm [the fasting] is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become al-muttaqoon [the faithful].” (Muhammed Muhsin Khan, Quran 2:183) Religious sacred texts are the basis of religious traditions; used to educate the generations of adherents, whilst enabling the community to be aware...
1879 Words 4 Pages

Analysis Of Muslims Life In America

If there is one group of people who tend to face extreme discrimination and social subjugation in the United States of America, it is undoubtedly religious minority groups. Muslim American Women in particular, stand out among the rest. The degree of orientalism that Muslim women continue to face in America has increased tenfold following the...
1197 Words 3 Pages

Status Of A Woman In Islam (according To The Quran)

In this day and age, women all around the world suffer from excessive misbehavior. Western women are not safe even on their backyards. Not only this, media shows a discriminating image of women who raise voice for their basic rights. Muslim women are no exception to this rule; Muslim countries have special rights for women...
494 Words 1 Page

The Necessity Of Knowledge About Five Pillars

Islam, the submission to the will of God, requires on all its followers to dedicate their lives to the desires and the directives of God. The five pillars of Islam are the foundation on which Muslims build their relationship with God. Although some of the pillars need to be performed every day; once a year,...
2624 Words 6 Pages

Analysis Of The Five Pillars As A Guide For Muslims

Submission to the will of Allah is unquestionably central to the life of a practising adherent whether they are Shiite or Sunni. Through the Articles of Faith and the Five Pillars, Muslims are guided on righteous practices, however, through the practice of Hajj and the writings of Sayyid Qutb an adherent is able to practice...
988 Words 2 Pages

The Ritual Of A Muslim Funeral

Muslims, followers of Islamic faith, believe that if you have led a good life and followed the Islamic codes you will go to paradise after you die. The funeral serves as an important function for Muslims as not only does it provide comfort for the living, but it also provides an opportunity to pray to...
683 Words 2 Pages

Revealing Of The Five Pillars In Islam

The house of Islamic practice stands on the five pillars in the words of Prophet Muhammad. The first pillar, Shahadah, is to utter the creed of Islam and in this action decare the belief in the onesness of God and on Muhammad as His final prophet. The second pillar, Salat, is the daily prescribed prayers...
1213 Words 3 Pages

Rethinking Of Muslim Women and Veil

Let me tell you that I going to tell you the thoughts of the people of western and the so called feminists and Christians pop so what their throughts on the Muslim women veil and critisim made by them.. So I well tell you the some people who practices and experience the veil and study...
1206 Words 3 Pages
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