Essays on Japan

Japan's Equity Market: Working Mechanism, Participants And Market Capitalisation

Participants and Market capitalisation Japan has five stock exchanges: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Sapporo, as well as the Jasdaq securities exchange. The Tokyo stock exchange(TSE) is connected to Fukuoka and Sapporo. The Japanese stocks are offered by the Japan Exchange Group, commonly known as JPX, which runs several exchange platforms for shares.It was created...

Arguments Against Commercial Whaling

As some of you might know, I am interested in biology and wildlife. One morning I was just sitting on my sofa, watching the news. There was a news story called “an Orca Mother Drops her baby, after an unprecedented 17 Days of Mourning”. I find out that the mom uses her head to push...
916 Words 2 Pages

Letter To Japanese Whaling Companies: Opinion Essay

Point of View In 2014 when I was a year 5 student at the Australian International School of Singapore, I became very invested in the well-being of animals. I think that all kids do though. We all say we want to be vegetarian and to stop killing animals. We all present posters to our class...
984 Words 2 Pages

Urbanization In Japan: Advantages And Disadvantages

Urbanization Part I: Advantages Nowadays, 13 million people live in Tokyo. The population makes up 10% of the total Japanese population. Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population in the world; it is a “megacity”, according to the statistics of the United Nations. Why does this megacity hold the general public’s heart...
1003 Words 2 Pages

Solutions Toward Japan’s Current Situation On Aging Population

Introduction Japan is facing the fastest rate in population aging, currently, the difficulties on the huge ratio of the population are old age compared to the new generations is highly distinctive, as japan citizens have a low desire to reproduce, and how the government is trying to come up with solutions. Situation Japan is known...
2133 Words 5 Pages

Japan: Having Holidays Versus Residence

Japan is a country in Asia. It is made up of 6,852 islands in total. It has 5 main islands. Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa and Honshu. Japan is a very wonderful country. It has a very clean and beautiful environment as well as a friendly and welcoming environment. It has many attractions from Mount Fuji...
782 Words 2 Pages

The Biggest Problems Which Japan Faces

A national crisis Japan is facing is that everyone is aging and there are not enough babies to keep a healthy population. People are retiring, meaning they need more people to fill in for their jobs, but there are not enough people. Soon, there will not be enough people to sustain the country. The prime...
633 Words 1 Page

Medieval Japan: Feudalism And Social Life

While Medieval Japan was a very unfair society for most people, Medieval Europe was a much more unfair society where the people living there had no freedom or choice. Although people in Medieval Japan’s level of freedom was very low, they still at least had the chance to move classes in the feudal system. Feudalism...
1282 Words 3 Pages
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