Essays on John Berger

John Berger's Views On Contemporary Photography

First of all, before discussing the above statement in relation to any contemporary photography practice, I would like to analyze John Berger’s perspective upon photography. While writing his book Understanding a photograph, Berger comments on the fact that a photograph is a result of a photographer’s decision that a particular event/object or person are worth...
827 Words 2 Pages

John Berger's Views On Perception Of Art And Artist's Perspective

“The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled”. This quotation from the beginning of John Berger’s book Ways of Seeing describes the failed relationship between viewing and understanding, particularly in reference to creative works. In his book, John Berger explores the connection between perception of and interpretation of art through...
1710 Words 4 Pages

John Berger's Ways Of Seeing And The Nature Of Reproductions

The first episode “Ways of Seeing: Reproduction” is one of the most discussed and influential films about art. It explores the fundamental principles of understanding modern art and explains how humans’ perception of artworks depends on modern technologies. As the English writer, painter, and art critic John Berger (1972) believes, “reproduction makes works of art...
466 Words 1 Page
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