Essays on Judiciary

Determining The Degree Of Culpability In A Conduct

Psychiatric evidence will be central in many of these cases, determining the degree of moral and legal responsibility has proved difficult, as some mental disorders do not effortlessly interpret into gradations of legal culpability, determining the degree of responsibility remains a matter for the courts. The admissibility of such expert evidence is only if it...
1228 Words 3 Pages

Lawyer: A Career Of Justice’s Helper

Robert Kennedy makes a point in his novel, “Lawyers have their duties as citizens, but they also have special duties as lawyers. Their obligations go far deeper than earning a living as specialists incorporation or tax law. They have a continuing responsibility to uphold the fundamental principles of justice from which the law cannot depart.”No...
987 Words 2 Pages

Legal Personnel, The Elements Of Crime And Sentencing

This a review of Beth, John & Janice whereby, I will be discussing the use of lay versus legal personnel and the financing of representation of criminal justice trial process. It also discusses the current law and sentencing trends in relation to non-fatal offenses against the person. Non-fatal offences are defined as common assault, actual...
3186 Words 7 Pages

Role Of Lay Magistrate

Three lay magistrates traditionally make up the panel of Magistrates, with one of them being the chair and other two being referred as wingers. They are mixed in their gender, age and ethnicity which creates diversity and fairness within them. Lay Magistrates are given training when they are appointed and, if wanted, can also receive...
415 Words 1 Page

Forensic Psychology: The Concept Of Insanity Defense

1. Identify the different forms of the insanity defense. The insanity defense can be characterized as the offender, who has mental defects or diseases that can influence his ability to form mens rea – to have a guilty intent to commit a crime. It means that the defendant has committed the crime but there is...
913 Words 2 Pages

The Establishment Of English Law

The English Legal System comprises of two branches, common law and civil law Common law: In common law or as some may refer to it “case law”, the constitutions passed over the nation are based on judicial rulings and decrees of a court, this part of English law is structured solely on the idea of...
703 Words 2 Pages

Family Court In India

History of Family Courts in India Although ancient India was known for its laws governing the people both at family level and societal level it was only in 1953 the movement to establish a family court in India was initiated. It was Durgabhai Deshmukh, a noted social worker from Maharashtra after a tour of China...
2041 Words 4 Pages

Vertical And Horizontal Judicial Precedent

The system of judicial precedent involves common law and is additionally describe as case law or decide-created law. There are areas of each criminal and civil law that haven’t been statute by parliament. The system of antecedent ensures that there’s the same application of those laws within the court. The belief of judicial precedent is...
1044 Words 2 Pages

The Family Court System In Queensland

The family court system possesses a crucial function in managing family breakdown; this system deals with the tribulations and difficulties that children face during this challenging process. The law has procedures and requirements for the legal recognition of a family unit, the Family Law Act of 1975 is the current relevant legislation in Queensland. Family...
705 Words 2 Pages
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