Essays on Koala

Koala: Endangered Animals and Humans

Koalas in Australia are dying off because of the severe wildfires spreading rapidly throughout the environment. The fires are ruining so much of the vegetation and habitat for koalas and other animals like kangaroo that they have nowhere to go and have been slowly dying of severe burns and smoke inhalation. Even after rescue the...
1359 Words 3 Pages

Koala: Destruction Of Natural Habitat

Australia is the only country in the developed world that is now known as a ‘Deforestation Hotspot’. According to research by Noel D Preece and Penny Van Oosterzee (Scientist from James Cook University), Australia was recently ranked in the top 10 countries in the world for mass land clearing. Up until 2017 Australia had a...

Koala: Plant - Animal Interactions - Herbivory Practical

Part A – Adaptations of herbivores to plant diets Invertebrates Species/group: Morpho Menelaus Diet: these butterflies have a different diet for each stage of their lifecycle from a range of plants including several species of legume. Caterpillars feed on a variety of leaves but prefer pea plant leaves and new leaves. While butterflies drink their...
1857 Words 4 Pages
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