Essays on Language and Linguistics

Hindi Anaphora Resolution Approach

There has been extensive research on anaphora resolution in different foreign languages and respective systems have been made available to online users. Investigation and experiments for anaphora resolution in Hindi had also been claimed by many researches but till now only one system ‘Anaphora Resolver for Hindi ver 0.5’ by Ministry of Electronics and Information...
2128 Words 5 Pages

Study Of Signs: The Essence Of Semiotics

The method I have covered in class and have chosen to discuss is Semiotics. In this essay, I discuss Semiotics and its definition, how it can be used, its historical background along with its strengths and weaknesses. I have used sources such as my textbook, online research and library books. I look at, in great...
2149 Words 5 Pages

System For Improved Sign Language Recognition

Abstract— Sign language is one of the common methods of communication among vocally and audibly impaired people. But when it comes to communication between normal and deaf-mute people, this form of communication doesn’t help. So far, a whole lot of systems have been developed that interpret sign language. But they often fail to make it...
1687 Words 4 Pages

Afrikaans: My Language Story

Hello, my name is Danielle. I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. My mother tongue is Afrikaans, I also speak English fluently. My mother was born in Holland and has taught my siblings and me, from a young age, to read and speak Dutch. My father, however, was born in Pretoria and...
654 Words 1 Page

History Of The English Language: Exam Through Old English

1. What do we know about the people(s) who spoke *Indo-European? (Back up your answer through examples. Use at least 5 sentences for your answer.) Indo-Europeans had a complex system of family relationships. They were small farmers and they were able to count gold and silver. The cow and horses were the best sources for...
1668 Words 4 Pages

The Cajun Dialect: Main Characteristics

Cajun Vernacular English is a dialect with a rich history, found in southern Louisiana. It is heavily influenced by the French language, as its original speakers were French settlers. This group originally comes from Vendee, a region of western France. Settlers from this region traveled to Acadie, which has since become Nova Scotia (From Acadian...
1234 Words 3 Pages

Importance Of Preservation Of Endangered Languages

A famous philanthropist Nelson Mandela once said “If you talk to a man in a language he understand, But if you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart”. Language plays most important role of human beings when it comes to communication. According to the Woodbury, disappearing or endangered language can be...
1091 Words 2 Pages

The Impact Of Gender In Social Linguistics

Brief Introduction The study of linguistics should not only be made from the symbol perspective but should also be more people-oriented. Studies of modern languages deal with significant differences between human beings, among which is the gender language difference and that is the main focus of this topic. Moreover, they have shown that linguistic practices...
1783 Words 4 Pages

Importance Of English Linguistics In Vietnam

The benefits of being able to communicate with overseas clients, suppliers and buyers nowadays are huge – as are the cost of lacking that facility. Therefore, English Linguistics and Literature (EL), specifically in Vietnam which is a non-English speaking country, is considered to be one of the hottest majors among others. Since the world is...
1480 Words 3 Pages
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