Essays on Law

Internet Privacy: The Affected Of The Dependency On The Internet

1 – Introduction Internet privacy, or online privacy is defined as the security level of personal data published on the Internet by users. Privacy on the internet refers to how safe and secure your personal information and data is once you publish the data on any website. However the recent rise in the popularity of...
1967 Words 4 Pages

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Judicial Precedent

Introduction Judicial Precedent is a highlight of the English lawful system is that judges can make laws by their call in court. On the off chance that the choice is of the next level court, it can work as an official point of reference which needs to be followed by other judges in afterward cases....
1067 Words 2 Pages

The Rule Of Law In Canada

Locke’s works laid the groundwork for liberalism and a new era of governance. The next improvement on the rule of law came from France during the enlightenment period. Charles-Louis de Secondant, known mononymously as Montesquieu, was the first to truly advocate for the separation of powers in government—specifically separating a country’s judicial power from its...
464 Words 1 Page

Contract Law Essay: My Individual Part

On the 25th of February, I have been given a group work task by my contract law module teacher which consisted on drafting a contract for our client Mr. Pawel Poliszak to present it to the other party. Our group was formed to complete an assignment where we have been given a relevant template on...
503 Words 1 Page

Doctrine Of Judicial Binding Precedent

A judgement of a court referred to as a specialist for choosing a similar set of realities, a case which serves as power for the legitimate standard typifies in its choice. The common law has created by expanding down from precedent to precedent. A legal precedent is a choice of the court utilized as a...
428 Words 1 Page

Law, Rule Of Law And Jurisdiction

Three separate terms but linked closely to each other. One cannot explain one in the absence of the other. Laws are rules made by the government that forbid certain actions and are enforced by the courts. Government of Canada, Department of Justice ( very aptly describes it when it says; Laws apply to everyone equally....
736 Words 2 Pages

Islamic Criminal Law In Accordance With Sharia

Introduction: Islamic criminal law in accordance with Sharia Firmly speaking, Islamic law does not have a separate body of ‘criminal law.’ (Dammer et al; 2011) It splits crimes into 3 different categories depending on the offense, they are: Hudud Qisas Tazir Hudud is an Arabic word meaning ‘borders, barrier, boundaries, limits’. In the religion of...
1020 Words 2 Pages

EU Law: Direct Effect, Indirect Effect And State Lability (Case Study)

There are three main principles under EU law that may assist Gunilla in gaining access to ‘free language lessons’ for her daughter Malin in line with (Imaginary) Directive 2018/124. Those principles are as follows: direct effect, indirect effect and state liability, when taken in combination all seek to ensure “individuals are given the greatest possible...
2089 Words 5 Pages
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