Essays on Law

The Role And Effect Of Judicial Review In The's Constitutional Structure

Role of judicial review Judicial review (JR) ensures that a public decision-maker acts within law and their power (balancing the powers between parliament, judiciary and the executive), yes avoiding arbitrary decision-making yes and protecting our fundamental human rights. Yes, It is way to ensure the government is accountable for their actions, although it is not...
1474 Words 3 Pages

Judicial Review Of Health Care Decisions

‘Success in using the law to gain access to medical treatment is often limited and typically likely to be unproductive. The law should have a greater role in determining the availability and distribution of health care resources.’ Critically evaluate this statement taking into consideration legal challenge by way of public law. Your answer should take...
3046 Words 7 Pages

Criminal Law: An Overview Of The Different Charges

Criminal Law Introduction This essay will provide an overview of the different charges that these four individuals will most likely face; John, Paul, George, and Ringo. This essay will unpack each of the crimes these individuals have committed, an overview of the facts, alongside an in-depth definition of their crimes whilst using reference to case...
1984 Words 4 Pages

The Advanced Model Of Policing: Community Policing

Policing strategies has undergone numerous transformations since its official introduction in the ‘reform era,’ to its operations in the ‘new era.’ The ‘standard model’ of policing was established in the 1930’s, utilising traditional police approaches in dealing with crime, driving a large proportion of current police activity. The standard model has undergone intense scrutiny and...
2229 Words 5 Pages

Advancements In Conventional Policing

Advancements in conventional policing have strengths and weaknesses. Commitments to community policing and flexibility within the police force are addressing evolving crime. Proactive conventional policing basic principals come from traditional police practice with the addition of technological advancements in intelligence-led policing. Operational tactics and organisational structures are changing current crime control philosophy and police practice....
2028 Words 4 Pages

The Development Of Policing From Pre-Modern To Today

The purpose of this essay is to show the development of policing from pre-modern to today, and the key factors and people that influence and prompted change. The main feature of the development of modern policing was to promote change within the mindset of officers who viewed themselves as soldiers in a war against crime,...
1233 Words 3 Pages

Understanding Of Rule Of Law

Rule of law simply means that government and its officials together with private citizens must under the law. The rational behind the rule of law is to control the exercise od public power by ensuring that it is exercised strictly within legal limits as such the courts play a central role in upholding the rule...
964 Words 2 Pages

Societal Importance Of The Rule Of Law

The rule of law is of great societal importance as it ensures the maintenance of a free, democratic and fair society. In simple terms, it is the principle that no one is above the law, including those who make and enforce it. This rule is considered to be a fundamental legal concept as it eliminates...
630 Words 1 Page

Contract Law In Construction Projects

Introduction Modern day construction projects are increasingly seeing the collaboration of a large number of different professions in order to improve the speed and quality in which they are completed. Clients now tend to engage with many participants, and if there is a poor relationship between any two parties or a lack of communication, this...
1560 Words 3 Pages
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