Essays on Law

Importance of Issues of Diversity to Police Operational Practice

This essay aims to examine the various ways in which issues of diversity are important to police operational practice. Over the years, the police force in the United Kingdom has always faced stigmatisation, particularly in regards to race relations. Typically, the UK police force mainly constituted white males. Gaddis and Ghoshal (2019) note that most...
1605 Words 4 Pages

The Drawbacks Of Decreasing Legal Drinking Age

The US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health states that, “The Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s,” so what makes an 18-year-old an adult? The US legal drinking age should be 21 or older, not 18; lowering the drinking age would increase the amount...
1386 Words 3 Pages

Drinking Liquor: Teenager’s Sense Of Belongingness

Teenagers are known to be spontaneous and vulnerable in a sense that they are making decisions recklessly without further thinking what would be the possible consequences. At that moment when curiosity kicks in, a teenager will do everything to quench their thirst. However, it is not the curiosity that makes them drive into drinking liquor...
875 Words 2 Pages

Determining The Degree Of Culpability In A Conduct

Psychiatric evidence will be central in many of these cases, determining the degree of moral and legal responsibility has proved difficult, as some mental disorders do not effortlessly interpret into gradations of legal culpability, determining the degree of responsibility remains a matter for the courts. The admissibility of such expert evidence is only if it...
1228 Words 3 Pages

Secret Trust: The Case Study Of Will

This memorandum addresses the validity of Rosetta’s homemade will, additionally it will also address whether the gifts and the trusts that were made in the result of this home-made will are valid and to what extent. Further material has been provided to determine the scope of the instructions given that will be able to give...
1598 Words 4 Pages

Lawyer: A Career Of Justice’s Helper

Robert Kennedy makes a point in his novel, “Lawyers have their duties as citizens, but they also have special duties as lawyers. Their obligations go far deeper than earning a living as specialists incorporation or tax law. They have a continuing responsibility to uphold the fundamental principles of justice from which the law cannot depart.”No...
987 Words 2 Pages
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