Essays on Laws & Regulations

The Drawbacks Of Decreasing Legal Drinking Age

The US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health states that, “The Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s,” so what makes an 18-year-old an adult? The US legal drinking age should be 21 or older, not 18; lowering the drinking age would increase the amount...
1386 Words 3 Pages

Drinking Liquor: Teenager’s Sense Of Belongingness

Teenagers are known to be spontaneous and vulnerable in a sense that they are making decisions recklessly without further thinking what would be the possible consequences. At that moment when curiosity kicks in, a teenager will do everything to quench their thirst. However, it is not the curiosity that makes them drive into drinking liquor...
875 Words 2 Pages

Secret Trust: The Case Study Of Will

This memorandum addresses the validity of Rosetta’s homemade will, additionally it will also address whether the gifts and the trusts that were made in the result of this home-made will are valid and to what extent. Further material has been provided to determine the scope of the instructions given that will be able to give...
1598 Words 4 Pages

Medical Negligence: The Concept, Principles And Liability

Introduction This article seeks to expound upon the topic of medical negligence i.e. its meaning, various laws and consequences relating to it and liability that can be incurred by the victim of the medical malpractice/negligence. This article provides information about the concept to create as much awareness as possible. Medical Negligence Medical negligence is a...
1273 Words 3 Pages

Vicarious Liability: Definition, Principles, Types

Defining Vicarious Liability Vicarious is came from the Latin term ‘vice’ i.e., in the place of. By this term we mean the liability of a person for the tort of another in which he had no part. The name is said to have been coined by English jurist Frederick Pollock in the 1880’s. Factually, it...
818 Words 2 Pages

Corporate Espionage And Intellectual Property

Introduction Corporate espionage is an illegal activity though it is on rise in business settings. Many organizations consider it as one of the techniques to increase their market share and beat the competitor. Several laws have been approved to combat these practices on domestic and international levels. Violation of these acts can result is hefty...
1877 Words 4 Pages

Liability For Pure Omissions In The English Law Of Tort

In the English Law of Tort, liability can be found where an individual has refrained from acting in a situation where a pre-tort relationship gives rise to a positive obligation to act, causing the omission to be in breach of duty. However, where a pre-tort relationship does not exist, ‘common law does not impose liability...
1683 Words 4 Pages
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