Essays on Learning

Characteristics Of An ‘Academic’ Essay And The Reasons For Requiring Writing In This Style

The American novelist and essayist, Flannery O’Connor, wrote: ‘I write to discover what I know” (O’Connor, no date). This document is going to discuss distinguishing features of academic essay writing required for BSc Occupational Therapy Course and why qualities and skills of academic writing are important for Occupational Therapy students. It will explain the complexity...
1098 Words 2 Pages

Child Observation In: Emily’s Case

Within the UK Child and family social workers have a statutory duty under the Children Act (1989) to promote the welfare of all children (section 17) and protect children from significant harm (section 47). Harm is defined within the Children Act (1989), means ill-treatment or the impairment of health or development (section 31). Therefore, for...

Learning Styles And Goal Setting

Introduction This assignment is an essay about Learning styles and goal setting for students. Learning styles has been regarded as one of the most important factors that control the way people learn. The term learning styles conveys to the understanding that every student learn differently. It is important for the educators to understand the difference...
568 Words 1 Page

Ethnicity In Education In The

This essay will be focusing on Ethnicity and how this social variable has an impact on educational experience and attainment in the UK education system. Ethnicity is one of many factors such as social class, gender, and disability, that impacts a child’s educational experience and attainment, as children in different ethnic groups have different results...
736 Words 2 Pages

Challenges That Transitioning Students Face In University

When students begin to transition into Higher Education, some challenges come along with it. Throughout this essay, there will be references to Thomas’ report on ‘Belonging and Engagement’ concept which shows ‘the importance of students having a strong sense of belonging in Higher Education, which is the result of engagement’ (Thomas, p12, 2012). Belonging is...
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Analysis Of The Purpose Of Education And The Role Of The Teacher

Malala Yousafzai stated in her book ‘I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban’ in 2013, that ‘the power of education frightens them…let us pick up our books and our pens, they are our most powerful weapons’. Education has a powerful influence on society...
3033 Words 7 Pages

Exploring Student Attitudes To Outdoor Education Within A Physical Education Curriculum

The completion of this Professional Development Project aims to extend and further the researcher’s professional development and progress through the identification and development of an innovative aspect of practice. In order to decide upon an area of study which would benefit the researcher, but also develop the PE department within the research’s current placement school...
2647 Words 6 Pages

Psychological Explanations Of Abnormal Psychology

In this essay, I will be evaluating the psychological explanations of abnormality in reference to Claire’s case study. In particular the behaviourist, psychodynamic and cognitive perspectives. Introduction Claire’s behaviour could be defined as ‘abnormal behaviour’, as she has lost interest in spending time with her friends and is now spending more time at home researching...

Reasons To Ban A Homework

 Homework has been around for thousands of years and is currently the topic of debate in many countries across the world. Statistically, more people are supporting the ban of homework than people who are against it. In my opinion, I believe that homework should be banned, for many reasons. Homework is very time-consuming and takes...
1000 Words 2 Pages
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