Essays on Life Experiences

Analytical Essay on Status of Operational Excellence Implementation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Background Operational Excellence is the most consistent and reliable implementation of the business strategy than the competition, with lower operating costs and higher revenues compared to its rival. It is required more than ever in the rapidly changing business models powered by today’s technology, which allow organizations to undergo end-to-end business transformation. Operational excellence reports...
2444 Words 5 Pages

Driving License Corroborator Using Internet of Things and Data Mining Techniques: Analytical Essay

Abstract Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit. Using IoT in vehicles could increase safety with a higher counter puncture level for accidents. Teenagers drive less...
1795 Words 4 Pages

Ignorance Is A Bliss or Illness: Argumentative Essay

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” Last year, I was handed these two quotes on a piece of paper and asked my opinion about two phrases. The first quote is from Benjamin Franklin who was a famous American polymath...
1481 Words 3 Pages

Biker Accident Detection and Alerting System: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Emergency never comes with prior intimation. In real world scenarios, detecting such emergency and reporting them is a real challenge. This project contains the detail survey of existing systems and proposed system to overcome common problem of having manual intervention while reporting accidents. In this current research, we proposed an idea which will automate...
1680 Words 4 Pages

University Students’ Perception, Attitude, and Evaluation of Using Translation in Academic Writing Experiences

1. Introduction The globalization of the world led people to realize the significance of language and communication. Machine translation has rapidly developed along with the development of science and technology. Moreover, the spread of the Internet contributed to the popularization of Web-based machine translation. However, the machine translation was not reliable because of its poor...
2290 Words 5 Pages

Leading through Failure: Qualities of a Successful Leader

Failing is doesn’t mean it’s the end of a journey. Rather, it is more like a checkpoint in a journey, with a promising end to the means if taken as a positive check. For someone to achieve their set goals, occasionally, failing is inevitable. The secret to succeeding is taking a downfall positively and getting...
977 Words 2 Pages
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